#MyBiogenicWorld: Nikki Tiu’s *A busy mom’s guide to bonding with your kids*

I honestly can NOT live without alcohol.  I remember when I went to Beijing to study, this was one thing that I made sure to bring.  Apparently, there’s no alcohol in China.  Can you believe that?!  Oh my, when I learned this, I had friends and friends of friends bring me bottles of this.  Don’t ask me how many bottles of alcohol I used up.  Hahaha!! Biogenic Alcohol left quite an impression on me.  I remember about 10 years ago, they were they only alcohol brand that was packaged in a spray bottle.  It was the spray bottle that attracted me to them.  I don’t remember looking at the price, I just always grabbed one in the supermarket because it was so convenient to use.  I wish the spray bottle and the brand was available during my schooling days – it was so easy to use! So, when I received an invite from Nikki to attend the My Biogenic World event in Market! Market!  I immediately said yes.  I LOVE ALCOHOL.  I use it everywhere.  I’m quite OC when it comes to cleanliness.  Imagine, all our cars have a bottle of alcohol – to wipe just about anything and to sanitize us wherever.  I even have a small bottle of alcohol in my bag – and I refill it once a month.  THAT is how much I love alcohol.  Hahaha!!

So last Sunday, Nikki, one of the Biogenic ambassadors spoke on how to bond with kids – a busy mom’s guide.  I have known Nikki for quite a long time now, but it was only two years ago I think that we finally met in person.  We have been blog,twitter and FB buddies for a while.  We realized that we don’t bump into one another because our events had totally different themes.  It was during an event of a baby brand that we bumped into one another – it was as if we have been friends for a long time!  Hahaha.. Anyhoo, I know Nikki is a busy mom.  But despite he being busy, she’s very doting on her son Kyle.  I honestly admire how Nikki can find time to cook (all the food she cooks look so yummy!) and spend quality time with her family.

Listening to her speak made me realize that we don’t need to go out of the house to bond with our kids or plan an out of this world activity for them to enjoy.  Her suggestions were quite simple and to be honest very practical.  It gave me lots of ideas on how I can bond with my kids without costing much.  Here are some of her tips: Include your kids in activities like:  Exercise & Night time activities: EXERCISE!  Haha.. I know, I am the most lazy when it comes to exercise.  Last year, when I did walking in the compound everyday – Kailee and Connor would join me and just walk with me.  I would always tell them to go inside the house because it’s hot outside, but they would insist in joining me.  I honestly found it strange, what I failed to realize was that they liked to spend time with me doing what I was doing.  I can’t believe that I realized that just now.  Hahahahaha!!! Night time activities:  I always said to myself that I will not force religion to my kids.  My kids did learn about praying in school.  So what you can do is to say night time prayers with children.  It’s two activities in one – since you get to pray with your children and your children will learn to be grateful! Give the kids 100% of your time: I am guilty of this.  They play in my room or are beside me BUT I am looking at my phone answering emails, Instagram-ing them!  Hahaha..  I remember reading that a parent should spend at least 30 minutes with each child – uninterrupted.  Oh my, it seems easy right?  I mean with Kailee, it is since I know and like her interests.  But with Connor, I honestly had a tough time since I have no interest whatsoever with cars, robots and dinosaurs.  What I realized was that he liked building things with Lego and writing (tracing activities)  So what I do now is that I join Connor whenever he plays Lego, I ask him to help me build things and his face radiates with happiness since he is the one teaching me!  As for the writing activities – well, he really likes worksheets and so I print out some printables and join him while he makes them. Engage your kids while doing their stuff: For kids – they’re learning through play.  So even when they’re building their Legos – we can strike up a conversation asking them the colors of the blocks they’re using and if they can count the number of blocks they’ve already used.  Their imagination and creative juices are over the top and I am amazed that whenever I ask them what they’re building – it hits me *why didn’t I think of that* and they would go as far as even describing every little detail on their creations. Create a special language and special song Apparently, there is an app for this!  hahaha..  Aqua PooPoo.  I think having a special language between yourselves and your kids is nice.  It special because only you guys understand this – it makes it *exclusive* and fun for the children.  Sort of like a secret language, diba? Thank you so much Nikki for sharing your tips! So where does Biogenic Alcohol come in all of this?  CLEANLINESS above all!  Hahaha..  I know there is a saying Cleanliness is next to godliness.  But kidding aside – what I’ve learned is that in every activity, we need to mindful of the cleanliness of the surroundings.  I honestly have this *thing* when it comes to cleanliness – I have this insatiable need for things to be clean – and Biogenic Alcohol, being *clean & protected* is easy as 1-2-3!

Look at the range of their products.  My favorite has to be (my EVER favorite) the spray bottle – the big one!  I have one in almost every part of the house.  I swear to God!  Ask my Panget, my Yayas and my friends – you can find Biogenic Alcohol almost everywhere.  Haha!  I am glad that their packaging is also nice – their range is good because they’ve considered the needs of many. Another thing that I super love with Biogenic Alcohol is their CAP cover.   This is the first time ever that I have seen a cap cover like this – one that you’ll need to just PULL UP to open and PUSH DOWN to close!  No need to twist to the left to loosen and right to tighten!  Less chances of the cap getting broken or lost!  Genius.

Thank you so much Biogenic Alcohol for coming up with a lovely event centered towards the family!  Thank you too for making an awesome product with brilliant packaging!  It was so pleasant to meet Hennie Yu, the Marketing Manager of Biogenic Alcohol.  More power to you guys!!

This is how much Biogenic Alcohol I have in the house:


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