Why I love watching #OnTheWingsOfLove over and over again!

Kasi masarap to watch a nice love story over and over again!! Secretly, I’m sure we all don’t want the show to end.  Diba??

I started watching again from the beginning (yes, again!!) and I can’t help but gush and admire how much the characters (and actors) have grown.  You’ll see a different kind of depth between the two of them – their characters and as actors.  How #JaDine shares a scene together?  It’s very different.  You’ll see the evolution of the tandem.

In the first few episodes, you’ll notice that their rapport is very still very raw.  It’s perfect actually since in the story the two of them were forced into the situation and you can clearly see some awkwardness between the two of them.  As the episodes progress, you’ll see them both be comfortable with one another.  Their ease with each other and their chemistry is seen and felt on screen.  Call me biased, but I swear to you – their smiles and simple gestures to each other makes me smile like crazy and feel oh so kilig.

Their love team works.  It really does.  I can’t explain it – but I’m so very sold on the #JaDine tandem.  I have written it in the past that I do not want them to be paired with other actors for the simple reason of me being selfish.  But honestly – I can’t imagine them acting side by side with another person, I don’t think it will work as much?  Or maybe it’ll take a bit of effort for the new team up to work.

Case in point:  The arrival of Simon in the Clark and Leah tandem.

If you were to ask me, I don’t see Simon as a threat to #Cleah.  Why?  Because there is NO chemistry whatsoever with #PauloAvelino + #NadineLustre.  Well, I cannot see or feel it.  But that’s just me.  Maybe for others, they feel the chemistry.  All I can feel with their team up is the professional chemistry.  I may be biased but seriously, Simon’s character wasn’t given much room to love.  He was tough and was *nakakainis* from the start.  He was made into a villian, I mean teasers palang, you get this negative idea about him.  As with Clark – in the start he was your typical villain who is always contra with everything Leah does.  But I guess, at the back of my head, I know for a fact that Simon was just created as *pampagulo* so that’s why I don’t see the charm of #PauloAvelino in the series.  Plus I have this notion that whenever he enters a currently airing teleserye, it goes downhill.  BUT BUT in fairness to #PauloAvelino, the show hasn’t tanked and EVERYONE IS VERY EXCITED on what will happen next.  Kasi naman, it’s just now that Simon is starting with his *da-moves*  he will be pivotal to the ending.  Swerte si #PauloAvelino.  Hahaha!!  Mainly because he was able to join the cast last minute!  So his kasikatan will also be pulled up.

So why does #OnTheWingsOfLove click?   Simple – because it’s very relatable.  The conflicts are not out of this world.  There are no bombs going off.  No one is plotting death, the PNP is not involved, no one is scheming or is out for a revenge.  The conflicts are simple, true to life and very practical – most everyone has gone through them.  Jealousy among couples, ambition, sacrifice, unrequited love, filial love, OFW issues, aka – Pinoy life.  This teleserye has somehow stayed true to the story when it started.  It has skewed a bit but it still was focused on the ending.  One more thing – I LOVE THAT THEY HAVE KISSING SCENES!  Yes, kissing scenes!  To be perfectly honest, it’s VERY REFRESHING to see a teleserye that has real kissing scenes.  It’s NOT pretentious!  Kisses happen in real life, diba?  It’s not torrid and instead is very sweet and innocent.  Himatay levels!  But get this, I have a feeling na they both get kilig also with their scenes.  Hahaha!!!  It’s not just us who is enjoying – but them too!  Hihi…

Another thing why the teleserye clicks is that. CLARK IS SO PERFECT!  I’m 1000% sure about this, that most viewers are female and we all have this IDEAL MAN in our heads that we want to end up with.  Clark Medina is so very perfect!  Well, very close to perfect.  He’s good looking, he speaks very good english, he likes to surprise Leah, he’s not afraid to fight for his love, he’s a gentleman, he’s a good brother/son, he can dance, he sings very well too!  He knows how to play basketball, he’s hardworking, he’s ambitious.  He’s EVERYTHING we want our Prince Charming to be!!

Leah on the other hand is loveable too.  She’s not the type you’ll want to throw under the bus so that you can have Clark all to yourself.  You’ll find yourselves rooting for her and Clark to get together!  That’s the magic of the show I think, we’re all rooting for the #Cleah happy ending.  

I keep on seeing the teasers of the San Francisco shoot.  And all I can say is HEARTACHE & HEARTBREAK!!  HEARTBREAK because we sense something bad is going to happen.  There is a twist, a twist that will break our hearts – but you know what, think of it this way.  They will make us cry, like a good love story – cry in the middle, and eventually we’ll be crying happy tears when the series ends.  And I think that’s a good enough odds rather than a crappy *pilit* ending.

So why am I re-watching from the beginning?

Well, I miss their banter – since in the beginning, they’re still doing the *taguan ng feelings* it’s very cute seeing them try and hide their feeling from one another and fight!  Hahaha!  Every kiss they made in the beginning held soooo much meaning.  Aminin, iba yung smile natin – even the tweets!  Hahaha…   

It’s a different kind of high watching the old episodes.  I can’t explain it, but I love watching them since you know that they’ve mastered the art of making benta their love team.  The current episodes are also kilig naman – but I guess what makes the old episodes different is that, I have the opportunity to watch them over and over again.  Kind of like re-living their romance (and watching their love story unfold), how they started and how they’re about to end – over and over again.  Hahaha!!

I think that’s my frustration – since I can’t relive MY love story, just channel it into Clark and Leah’s love story nalang!  Hahahaha….

Basta – I’m a fan.  A HUGE fan. Of #JaDine

Of Direk Tonette, Direk Jojo and Direk Dan.

Of the scriptwriters of #OTWOL

Wonderful storytelling.  I love it. P.S.  I think I’m the TARGET audience.   Hahaha!!


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