#OTWOLDiaries: The TALENTED Secondary Cast + #OTWOL Giveaway

GIVEAWAY ALERT!  In line with my 10th BLOGniversay – I’m giving away one (1) piece of the #JaDine On the Wings of Love Official Scrap Book AND  a James Reid/Clark Medina Pillow!!  Read through the end of the blogpost for the mechanics. Thank you for the LOVE!! —- One thing I dislike is bad acting.  I don’t want to waste my time watching half-baked acting.  I just feel its a waste of time.

When I first heard of #OTWOL, I have to be honest – I had my doubts.  I mean, a virtually unknown (to me that is!) tandem was given a primetime spot by ABS?  #JaDine must really have this potential that I couldn’t see yet.

So, okay – fine.  I caught the bug quite late.  But it was instant liking.  I absolutely adored Direk Tonette Jadaone, I loved the lightness of the story, I loved how *kilig* it made me feel despite being cheesy at times, I loved everything about it!  

I especially LOVED the talented cast.

Photo from Benj Manalo’s Instagram account

Let me say this – #OTWOL did not just bank on super famous actors and actresses to support the show.  What they did was cast very *talented* actors.  The veterans – I have to say, are veterans to begin with.  I was happily surprised to see Nanette Inventor on screen!  It’s been a long long long while since I last saw her on TV.  It’s a delight to see her back on screen again playing a *lola* role.  She still cracks me up!  I remember her as Donya Buding!  Hahaha..  As for Joel Torre, it’s nice too, to see him do something light.  He is a great actor and I forgot what it’s like to see him make us laugh.  Cherry Pie Picache – I’ve seen her so many times to trust her talent to bring out the best in her co-stars.  She has been one of those secondary characters that you will love to the very end.  She knows how to support, talaga.

And the rest? 

Well, let me be honest.  They got virtually unknowns – when it comes to TV.  And let me be more honest – they’re not exactly EYE CANDY but man, they are ALL TALENTED!  What they lack in certain attractive facial features that make them big time, they make up for PURE TALENT.  They act so very naturally, the chemistry is instant. TOLAYTS is so fun to watch, Nico Antonio has somehow made his character attractive because of the personality he exudes on screen.  He is so at ease with verteans – Tatang Sol, and newbies – Manag Tipany.  I  find it funny how he says Tipany instead of Tiffany.  It’s corney to be honest, but BENTA for me eh!  I honestly feel for him, I know he’s very determined to win Manang Tiffany.  His mother is a wonder too!  I really enjoy watching her on screen.  I love her lines too.  She says them with ease and perfection.  BENTA. KIKO & AXL (Paeng Sudayan & Benj Manalo) the dynamic duo is very entertaining.  They are a perfect match to Clark’s personality and looks.  Yes, they’re not out there handsome, but they’re both very cute in their own way.  I am partial to Kiko because I enjoy watching him eat on screen!  I know it’s strange but think of it like – Rusty in the Oceans 11 franchise, he keeps on munching on food, and it’s soooo cuuute!!  As for Axl, I confess, I have this soft spot for *rockers* and whenever he utters #RaksNotDead – you can’t help but fall in like with his character.  These two have become the official sidekicks – and they are the wingmen to Clark’s antics.  They have helped him in so many ways too! RICO (Juan Miguel Severo) His spoken words.  AMAZING. #Hugot is the feeling for every word he utters.  EVERY WORD.  It was my first time to see anything like that EVER.  And it was so powerful.  Maybe because I feel that words hold so much meaning when spoken from the heart – I get to feel every emotion he gives forth in speaking those words.  POWERFUL.  Tagos sa buto.  Talent as I said, this is PURE talent.  The words he uses, every single one of them has meaning, has a deep connection to everyone who hears it.  I swear, gumagwapo si Rico whenever he does his spoken words.  We are all enamoured.  SERIOUS yan!!  All from the heart – all emotion, RAW emotion.  Brilliant talaga!!! TIFFANY (Bianca Manalo) I had my doubts honestly.  I mean she’s a beauty queen so you know, naturally I have this something in my head that she might not be the right fit.  But watching the first few episodes – she IS the right fit.  I have to give her credit, she has somehow learned the craft of acting (in my books) because she has found the ease to act in front of the camera.  She’s the masungit, bitter sister but her looks will make you forgive her shortcomings.  Haha!! 🙂 CULLEN (Jayson Francisco) I really don’t like him!  Hahaha.. But he did his part being a good friend and secondary cast to Clark’s character.  His fake accent is PERFECT for his role!  Hahaha!  It’s a bit trying hard but slang, you know what I mean? TITA JACK, TATANG SOL, LOLA PACHANG & NANANG RONA (Cherry Pie Picache, Joel Torre, Nanette Inventor, & Isay Alvarez)  – I don’t think I can give them enough credit because they themselves are institutions in the showbiz scene!  Tita Jack is perfect, her acting on point EVERY SINGLE TIME, she can turn it off and on in a snap.  Ang galing talaga!  Tatang Sol is an icon – he can do drama, comedy and action!  I love that his character here is lighter and I like that he’s comedic!  You miss those comedic timings especially his movies are mostly dark and heavy.  This is a breath of fresh air.  Lola Pachang – I must say, I am still expecting her in one episode to belt out a song!  Hahaha..  I’ve honestly had never seen her back on TV in a looong loooooong time.  So to see her on screen with #JaDine – it’s very refreshing.  I like it very very much!  Nanang Rona’s Isay Alvares is one of those actresses that I admire so very much.  She played Gigi in Miss Saigon and I have since had this *bilib* in her.  She’s very good and to be added to this cast, I mean – wow!  Her characted is always sad and crying, but that’s how she’s written.  Though her airtime is short compared to her counterparts – she still does them with ease and perfection.  I can’t wait to see her onscreen with Leah and most especially Tatang Sol!  Can you imagine?  Dynamite yan!

I have always said this time and again, I really really give props to casting directors.  They know which actor to get for certain parts, and I believe if the show suddenly is successful – it’s all because of the casting director being able to choose well.

So, going back – the *secondary characters* are ALL VERY TALENTED.  I say this because I do not see any hint of awkwardness.  They all act so naturally!  From Tolayt’s mom, to the fellow tenants of Tenement Uno.  I don’t see and feel anything fake.  Mama Lulu is so naturally cute, Kapitana has awesome timing with her hirits.  Manag Tiffany was a revelation – I never thought Bianca Manalo can act!  Hahaha.. Tolayts, Kiko and Axl are unknown to me.  They’re not the most handsome of the bunch BUT they’re all very cute because of the characters that they play.  Unknown to me, these three boys are ALL singers!  They too have a background in theater.  Being in theater only means one thing for me – VERY GOOD ACTORS.  I feel that theater actors are way more talented because the medium is *live* they can throw lines with mor
e finesse and they can exude the emotion exactly without much take and workshop.  Another example is Jiggs – Albie Casino.  EVERYONE in the #OTWOL world HATES him, but in fairness – he IS effective.  I remember when people curse actors in real life and refer to them in reel life – it only means one thing, that the actor has done his job very well.  So Albie, I must say – you are the official Pambansang Bully – you deserve it!  We hate you on screen kasi!  Hahaha…

So you see, I feel that On the Wings of Love has the perfect combination of emerging talent, current talent and classic talent.  The mix of these three make up a good, wonderfully entertaining teleserye.   The right amount of kilig, drama and comedy.  I felt that there wasn’t a need for a certain character to shine and standout.  They all helped bring up and showcasing #JaDine ‘s magnetic love team.  

Now, that’s what I call brilliant casting.

It’s not a fight between who’s going to be famous because of the show, but instead who they need to push to be able to shine.  And I think the cast has found their rhythm perfectly.  They help one another by bringing the show to where it is now.  It didn’t matter how small the character was, what I’ve seen is that everyone enjoys working with everyone.  The speaking lines, the airtime, the angles, and etc.  It will all boil down to the whole cast, knowing how to help catapult the teleserye to levels it has so far reached.

Kudos to you Mister or Miss Casting Director! 🙂  You did a very good wonderful job in choosing your actors to play the characters.  The scriptwriters and especially the directors.  THANK YOU for making this teleseryes.  You sure have found a FAN in me! 🙂  I confess that I can’t stop watching and re-watching the episode!  My Panget has already gotten tired of asking me what I’m watching on my laptop.  Hahaha!!

My personal favorites are Tolayts, Kiko and Axl.  Feeling ko when I see any of you guys, kikiligin ako to death.  



Oh, I forgot there are two characters, that I felt was awkward, but then again – I realized, they’re at that age of being awkward – si Jordan and Jenny.  Hihi.. —-

MECHANICS FOR THE GIVEAWAY: Leave the following details on the comment section: a)  Name b)  Valid Email address c)  Scrap Book OR Pillow d)  URL of your Facebook Share or Tweet I am willing to ship for FREE these prizes to ANY Metro Manila address!!


  1. Unknown

    Lory Alba

  2. Unknown

    Kristoffer Gagarin topengga19[at]yahoo.com Clark Pillow facebook.com/candishhh/photos/a.347390102030428.1073741827.324167024352736/641792889256813/?type=3&pnref=story

  3. Hershey Ann Gercio

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hershey Ann Gercio

    Hershey Ann Gercio
    James Reid / Clark Medina Pillow

  5. TJ

    Tiffany Mendoza

  6. Unknown

    Riyalyn Gatdula
    Clark'S pillow

  7. Unknown

    a) Maria Jessica Apalin
    b) mjyapalin[at]gmail.com
    c) Pillow
    d) twitter.com/blquirel23/status/672816674509365249

    Thank you for your awesome giveaway! Happy 10th!

  8. purpel

    a) henley tabal
    b) purplishness[at]gmail.com
    c) scrapbook
    d) twitter.com/hennypennyisred/status/673011617123012609

  9. Unknown

    a) Kym Mascarinas
    b) kymmascarinas[at]yahoo.com
    c) pillow
    d) twitter.com/lilmisscIean/status/673439523888467968

  10. Unknown

    a) Kym Mascarinas
    b) kymmascarinas[at]yahoo.com
    c) pillow
    d) twitter.com/lilmisscIean/status/673439523888467968

  11. alyssa_tejada

    a) Alyssa Rae Tejada
    b) yssalovearchie69[at]gmail.com
    c) Pillow
    d) twitter.com/Im_a_1D_fangirl/status/673458339842408448

  12. Unknown

    a) Kym Mascarinas
    b) kymmascarinas[at]yahoo.com
    c) pillow
    d) twitter.com/lilmisscIean/status/673439523888467968

  13. Unknown

    a) jemma tang
    b) tvmblraesthetxcs[at]yahoo.com
    c) pillow po 😀
    d) twitter.com/cxtchfirehemmo/status/673515170245705729

  14. Camille M.

    a) Camille Monasterial
    b) cc.monasterial[at]yahoo.com
    c) Scrapbook pretty please 🙂
    d) twitter.com/elliclaire6/status/673873527829729280

  15. Unknown

    Confidence myself the item performs This in direction of a greater table should not be limited To merely your own reduced body you really should froth move your own torso at the same Pro Muscle Fit time There are a few reasons behind that Very first froth coming eliminates strain piled up in the human body If you table mass media and pick up weighty throughout.


  16. Unknown

    Ma. Christina Nicolas
    Clark Pillow

  17. Ivafer

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Unknown

    a) Paula Romana Alagao
    b) whitsplash14[at]yahoo.com
    c) Scrap Book for my sister who is a big fan of Jadine and OTWOL!
    d) twitter.com/Soleika14/status/676024135139528710

  19. Lonlon

    a. Lon Guevarra
    b. lon_guevarra[at]yahoo.com
    c. Pillow
    d. twitter.com/kittykudasai/status/677458823330721792

  20. gayle sy

    a. Abigail Sy
    b. gaylesy38[at]yahoo.com
    c. Pillow
    d. twitter.com/abbysy11/status/679294809584959488

  21. Unknown

    a) Name – Carol Chan
    b) Email address – carolchan16[at]yahoo.com
    c) Pillow
    d) twitter.com/carolrchan/status/681142254128336898

  22. Anna A.

    Hi, Ms. Didi! Is this contest closed?

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