Globe, you are #Wonderful!

As you all know, I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with Globe Telecom.

I have been a subscriber since 1996 and we were quite happy with the service until 1998 when everyone seemed to join the *text message* bandwagon.  I remember while in HS, I was already carrying the Nokia phone and text messaging friends in another classroom.  We would hear the beeps and it was dismissed by the teachers.  They didn’t know what those beeps were for.  It was then that there was heavy traffic when it came to text messaging.  I remember I would constantly change my *message center number* so as to be able to get messages across and receive messages faster.  

I think sometime after 1999 – they changed plans, to curb the massive amount of text messages being sent around.  And then they released the loyalty rewards – my aunts got phones and rebates.  I remember having a rebate as high as P1,200.00 because of the years we spent with Globe.  But as the years passed – the loyalty rebates became less and less, to the point of being insulting.

There is only one reason why we’ve stuck it out with Globe – most friends and relatives are also Globe subscribers.  The interconnectivity fee was just too much if we switch carriers.  So for the years in between then and now – I had very strong feelings against Globe.  I would call the hotline and speak to a very inexperienced and a slightly *challenged* agents.  I would lose my patience and become agitated.  I think most everyone knows how much I dislike *stupid* call center agents, but what was I to do, right?  When my blogger friend Glenn started working for Globe – he also felt my wrath.  Hahaha!!

Then, a few months ago – I asked Glenn (who works for Globe) to hook me with with a re-contracting agent because we were thinking of getting a new unit.  Someone called me right away, but then – the person I was speaking to was not helpful – instead of informing me of details, he was confusing me even more.  The agent even told me that I would lose a certain number because I will br migrating to a new plan.  I ended up giving up and stopping the call.  I was getting agitated already.

While in Tokyo – I could sense that my phone was trying it’s best to stay alive.  It was already having a hard time functioning properly.  The apps would crash, the battery would run out fast, the phone was processing more slow than usual.  My phone’s almost 4 years old you see.  And I am not a techie person, so I don’t change phones often.  Plus I am the type who will just call and text.  But when I got my first ever iPhone  – I was introduced to the world of smartphones and there was no turning back!  Haha…

A few months ago, my iPhone’s glass screen was shattered.  I dropped it facedown in KidZania.  I had the glass screen replaced the next day (via Ceejay Apple Service) because I had to.  I couldn’t wait.  I was honestly contemplating on getting a new phone.  I was really tempted, but then I thought to myself – that the phone was still working, so it was okay.   Plus, I didn’t have the budget to get a new one.

While in Tokyo, I saw in my feeds that Globe and Smart were launching the iPhone 6s.  My Panget was able to reserve a unit online.  He scheduled that his unit be delivered the day after we arrive.  He got his unit two days after we arrived.  I was envious.  Then, I randomly called the hotline and got transferred to the re-contracting group.  To my surprise – the conversation was pleasant.  All 39 minutes of the call, I was calm collected and IMPRESSED with the agent I was speaking to.  Her name was Joy.  Joy was able to help me out – THOROUGHLY.  She gave me options, suggestions and even went as far as waiting for me to decide what to do.  She was really really helpful and KNOWLEDGEABLE on the details of re-contracting.  I was very happy.  I even told her how happy I was with the service that I got.  That it was the first time in years that I did not end up banging the phone or screaming at the agent.  I was pleasantly surprised and very much satisfied with the service that I messaged Glenn about it.  I wish I asked for Joy’s last name.  During the call, I wasn’t decided on what to get.  So I asked Joy if I can have some time to think about it – she cautioned me that as of the moment, the units were still available, but when I call in the next few days – there might be a shortage already.

True enough, when I called the next day to confirm – there were no units left.  Gaaaaah!  I called again to try, but it was still unavailable.  I then turned to Glenn, who said that he will log it on.  The next day, I got a call from an agent named Farrah.  She too was very helpful and knowledgeable.  She was very patient with me when I asked her to call me back three times.  On the third call, I finally decided.  I was promised that the units be delivered last Friday.  Well, knowing what happened to my Panget – I expected the delivery to be delayed a day.  And it was delayed – but it was all good.  It wasn’t such a big issue as I knew that delivery schedule will be a bit tight.  The most important thing was that – it arrived!! 🙂

So here it is!  All spanking new and clean and perfect!  Hahaha..

THANK YOU Globe Telecom!  THANK YOU Glenn!  THANK YOU Joy and Farrah!

I was telling Glenn, I give credit when credit is due.  Those who assisted me deserved to be recognized.  And Glenn as well.  Thank you Glenn, it’s because of you that I got my units – so THANK YOU!!  And also to Globe Telecom!! I hope that there are still Joys and Farrah’s in Globe.  It would make our customer service experience very satisfying.  It would be a GREAT big difference to us subscribers!!

Globe, I hope this is a start of a more smooth and loving relationship ha!!


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