Clothes shopping on

As I’ve said, I am a late bloomer. That means, in everything – most especially in fashion. Fashion?  What are you talking about?  I am not into fashion – and that I am.  I swear,  I am the most *tamad* person you will ever meet when it comes to shopping for clothes.  I am the type that will just wait in the dressing room while someone hands me clothes (what she thinks will be nice on me).  This happened a couple of times – with my sister-in-law.  But that was years ago, I think five years ago to be exact. A few months back – my good friend Kath gave me a loot bag, in it were two tops, two bracelets, two lipsticks and a long necklace.  I am very lucky because Kath hands me stuff that she thinks will look good on me.  I love it, really!  I feel like a kid receiving a Christmas gift whenever Kath sends me a text saying *I have something for you!*  Anyway,  so one day, I decided to try an Elin top she gave me.  I wore it because I thought, why not now?  So I did.  I loved how roomy it was.  My Panget said I looked nice (even if I am fat! – so that must be something, he rarely compliments me, boooo!)  And since he did, I had to ask Kath where she got the top.  She told me Elin (I remember reading about and seeing Elin online because of the #SoMoms)- and that, that particular top was called Marlowe.  She then gave me a list of a few styles (on  Elin’s website) she thought would look good on me.  Since I liked the Marlowe top, guess what I did – I bought it in the only other color available – Blue.  It didn’t stop there – Kath then told me to get the Kristen top and dress, the Jana tops too.  The Bran Tee would also look nice on me she said.  So I listened to her and I bought them.  I so regretted not purchasing the Kristen dress – now that it’s out of stock  – there was nothing I could do.  Sad.

A few months later – I saw that the Jana Tee had some new colors – so I decided to purchase some.  And then a few days later – I saw that they had a new Jana dress.  I immediately told Kath about it and she encouraged me to try one.  And I did – now I own it in every color.  Well, I was a bit late – so I only have it in Aqua, Navy and Charcoal.  It was soooo comfortable to wear!  I love it!  I’m honestly contemplating on getting another batch of it – just in case the ones I have gets damaged (since I wear them every so often!  Hahaha.. I’m a creature of habit!)

This is the Jana dress in Charcoal!

This is the Kristen Top.

Elin’s price point for me is reasonable.  It’s not very expensive and the fabric is very nice too.  The workmanship and stitching are alright too.  They deliver for free when you order more than a thousand worth of clothes!  They even give you a 10% discount on your first purchase!   I love that their clothes are so versatile!  I brought all my Elin tops (the first batch I bought) when I travelled to London and Paris.  The fabric was cool when the weather was hot and warm when the weather was cold – SERIOUS yan ha.  I mean, I was able to survive the cold with just the Elin top, a jacket and a scarf – I didn’t need to wear thermals or tank beneath it.  It’s easy to wash and dry too!  I just threw it in the washer and dryer – praying that it won’t shrink!  Thank goodness it didn’t!  So happy!  Wonderful, right? So right now, I’m obsessing about Elin.  I check their website every so often (everyday na yata!) in the hopes that I would be *surprised* to see that the Kristin Dress would be back in stock again.  Hahahaha!! Changing sizes is a breeze too!  Just inform them if the size is too big or too small and they will gladly exchange it for you.  You’ll need to send it back to them though.  In my case I was lucky to have a messenger do it for me!  I’ve never had so much fun in local online shopping – Hahaha!! 🙂 Thank you Kath for introducing me to Elin.  You know that I’m a hard head when it comes to shopping.  So, THANK YOU for pointing me to the right direction.  I love you to bits!! Mwaaaah!! 🙂  Now, please cross your fingers for me that the Kristen Dress will be available!  Hahaha…  Next stop will be Tin’s Chicify store.  Hahaha!!


  1. michymichymoo

    Uy, I love basic tops. Looks like maadik din ako. hahahaha! 🙂

  2. Martina

    Yay! Thank you so much for posting! 😀 So happy you like all your Elin items! We have new styles every week hehe. Thank you again! 🙂

  3. Didi

    Hello Martina! I am looking at your site, every day! Hahaha!! Hope you have more colors for the Jana Dress. Please bring back the Kristen dress! (yun parin talaga ang request ko!!!) You are most welcome!! 🙂 I'm eyeing the Casey dress now.. Hihi…

  4. Sasa

    Love it on you too. Good find. I will get for myself din. Thanks for posting. 🙂

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