Broadway Counterflow Chronicles: Pajero ZGA 800

Yesterday when my Panget and Kailee were on their way to school.  This Pajero with plate ZGA 800 almost rammed them head on.  This was along Broadway Street in New Manila.

Broadway is now a TWO-WAY street with signs every so often.  I have faced this problem for a while now, but have chosen to be quiet.  But yesterday my Panget said this particular car almost rammed them.  And since he was with Kailee – I couldn’t ignore it.

I am posting the picture he took yesterday morning.

What the Pajero did was NOT right.  It was COMPLETELY WRONG.  Look where he’s at and where my Panget and Kailee were..

This is one of the reasons why ACCIDENTS happen.  Drivers don’t seem to understand the concept of waiting.  Everyone is rushing, I understand that – but not this way.  Counter flowing is DANGEROUS!!  

I have always said that Pinoy drivers lack DISCIPLINE.  And I mean that in every sense.  They don’t know when to stop and when to give way.  I think there are a few Pinoy drivers who actually know the road rules!  I am honestly baffled beyond belief on how tricycle drivers, jeepney drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers get their licenses when they don’t know the rules of driving!  

I literally shake my head every time they overtake, counterflow, stop in the middle of the road and whatever else you can think of.  It’s really frustrating – but then those traffic enforcers seem to not see all of them. 



  1. popcorn

    Oh! glad your husband and daughter are okay.

    I used to live in the area before we migrated to NJ, my family still lives there. Two-way na ang Broadway ? This used to be Dona Juana diba ?

    Any reason why the traffic flow keeps getting changed ? I was so confused when they switched the flow of gilmore ave when I came home for a vacation long ago, i kept missing my turn because the landmarks I knew weren't the same na!

  2. popcorn

    Oh! glad your husband and daughter are okay.

    I used to live in the area before we migrated to NJ, my family still lives there. Two-way na ang Broadway ? This used to be Dona Juana diba ?

    Any reason why the traffic flow keeps getting changed ? I was so confused when they switched the flow of gilmore ave when I came home for a vacation long ago, i kept missing my turn because the landmarks I knew weren't the same na!

  3. Didi

    Hi popcorn! Thanks for dropping by!! they changed it recently lang ata ,start of the year? Dona Juana now has an extension – there's a new bridge that connects it to scout tobias – it's still one way from Aurora to E.Rodriguez. But 2 way from E.Rod to Scout Tobias.

    As you know, every change in management – there's a change in traffic flow and schemes. There is no continuity. Everyone want their new scheme followed. So many changes in New Manila now.

    Thank for dropping by!! 🙂

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