EATs Paris: Pizza Di Loretta

Montmarte is a very charming place in Paris.  It’s quite a distance from where we were staying but we were told it’s a must to see the area.  I had no clue what was in Montmarte – well, except for the Moulin Rouge and being a huuuuge fan of the movie, I wanted to see the real thing.  And we did.  But that entails another post.  Hahaha!!  But before we walked to the Moulin Rouge, we had lunch first. We had lunch in a small pizza place.  I was craving for pizza and we just so happened to pass by one.  My Panget searched on Yelp and saw that it had good reviews.  I didn’t get to take pictures of the facade anymore because we were really hungry. The pizzas that they made were rectangular instead of a round one.  Plus, they sold it by weight.  It meant that I can have the pizza cut to as big as I want it to be or as small if I just wanted to take a bit and taste it – and they will just weigh it. Here are the pizzas that we got.  I was very distracted when I saw the arugula as I love it so much.  But in France, they call it *rocket* hahaha!  I don’t know what the pizzas are called, but I just pointed to them what I wanted and how big I wanted them to be cut.  I based my choices with first impressions.  So the prettier ones, the ones with more *filling* or looked appetizing were the ones I got!  Hahaha..  Sorry, judging them all by their cover!!

Since I love rocket (arugula), it’s obvious that this was my favorite.  I was very happy that they didn’t scrimp on the rocket.  As I was biting into the pizza – the rockets kept on falling off the pizza, I didn’t mind because it was so good!  I loved the combination!  The tomato sauce was so good too!  

I picked this because I was blinded with the prosciutto plus Panget’s instructions to get the one with the *most* filling.  Haha!  This was also good because of the mix of mushroom and cream!  OMG this was also deadly.  My Panget was blown away with the combination too!

Is it obvious that I got this?  Well, yes – primarily because of potatoes.  This was a very simple pizza it’s just with salt and pepper, some herb and then drizzled with olive oil.  I liked the simplicity of this pizza.

This is their cheese pizza, it’s the most basic and the reason why I got this was because Kailee ate her pizza without toppings.  I was hoping that she would like it since it’s not the typical *panlasang Pinoy* tamato sauce.  I was surprised that she ate it all!  She said she loved it after taking her first bite!

The pizza with the pesto sauce is my Panget’s favorite.  This I have to admit is the tastiest of them all.  When you first bite into the pizza, there is an immediate smorgasbord of flavors!  Would you believe that my Panget actually stopped eating,  looked at his pizza intently, looked at me and told me how good it was?  He even offered me to try it, and that NEVER happens, EVER.  After finishing his slice, he asked to get more from the counter because it was that good!  I was looking at the pizza while it was being sliced and noticed how simple the ingredients were – but together they made a deadly combination.  The seasoning and the fresh ingredients I’m sure, made all the difference. We left the pizzeria very happy.  We thanked the wonderful staff – they were really friendly and warm and tried to speak in English with us.  My impression that French people are rude were dispelled by the gentlemen over at Pizza Di Loretta. So if happen to be in Montmarte – make sure to try this place.  It’s really really really good! Pizza Di Loretta Montmarte, Paris


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