Engineering for Kids + Giveaway!

Engineering for kids. Really? It got me curious.  I was then told to bring my kids ad they might enjoy this.  I googled it and what I saw was something different.  I was excited to be honest and so I went with an open mind.

What I saw heard and experienced was something out of the ordinary.  It was very interesting.  The materials that they used are those in our household – nothing so out of this world – but the basic stuff. It’s simply making science applicable to daily life, simple enough for the kids to enjoy and at the same time learn from.  I wish we had this during my time.  I am very much fascinated with Chemistry in HS but was discouraged because there was not application involved.  What I learned in school – I only did in school – there was no practical application.  I am so glad for the kids now because they have means to develop their interests early on.  Whats more is that parents support their kids decision now – parents value what their kids like and give them the opportunity to hone those interests and talents. Here are a couple of videos to pique your interest:

Interesting right? Very!! Engineering for Kids make science very interesting and practical.  They don’t teach you the theories (well the do of course, but not that intense like reading so many paragraphs etc.) but emphasize on problem based solving via learning and play.  It’s very interesting because kids learn through exploration and discovery.  They have practical material found nearly everywhere (especially the house!) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is what makes up Engineering for Kids.  S.T.E.M. encourages creativity and innovation through play and learning.  Don’t you wish you had this?  So, for those who have kids that are science inclined – you have an outlet now!  Engineering for Kids!! Engineering for kids has ten (10) programs:

Marine Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Electronic Game Design

Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Robotics Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Industrial Engineering

There are two levels for each category.  They classify it by age – one group is called JUNIOR Engineers – they’re aged 4-6, the other group is called APPRENTICE/MATER Engineers – they’re aged 7-14. We got a glimpse of what Engineering for Kids had to offer and we had so much fun!  Kailee was nonstop playing with the slime, courtesy of the Chemical Engineering booth.  Connor was so enjoying Marine Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.  See the videos above.  I honestly never thought they’d enjoy it.  But Engineering for Kids definitely made it interesting! The good news is – I will be giving away two (2) FREE TRIAL coupons!! Just leave the following details on the comment section: a)  Name b)  Email Address (make sure this is a valid one that you open often!!) c)  Which of the 10 programs do you think your child will enjoy most and why. d)  Send out a Tweet with a link back to this giveaway or share this on FB (please leave the URL) I will be picking the winners so it will be my prerogative and decision. This is open to Metro Manila residents who are able to pick-up the coupon in Quezon City (please don’t force me to *ship*) This giveaway will end on April 30, 2015! For more information please visit They are also social media: Facebook – Engineering for Kids PH Instagram – efkph Call or text them at +639175518705 Landline is +6329754867 You may also email them at


  1. Jentleheart

    Great activity for the kids!

  2. Unknown

    My little RJ is a bit destroyer but maybe next time I would like him to do this if I weren't so busy 🙂

  3. Ma.Me.Mi.Mommy

    We did a trial on this and it was quite interesting. 🙂 Plus, if I'm not mistaken, one of the local celebrities co-owns it.

  4. Jackie

    THIS. IS. AWESOME! Too bad my daughter is still too young for this, but I'm looking forward to the day I can bring her to activities like this one! 🙂

  5. Unknown

    When I first heard about Engineering for Kids, I got excited, too! Once Liam's older, we'll definitely be checking them out. Thank you for breaking down what they have to offer in this post 🙂 It makes me look forward to when Liam's old enough to join!

  6. Mommy Bloggers Philippines

    I'd share your giveaway!

  7. Roxi

    We love EFK! We did a trial class also last year with a few mommy bloggers that I invited. I love how fun and nice the teachers are. Did you meet my friend, Lalie?

  8. Mastermom Speaks

    This is great! Their program really knocks off the creativity of each child. I would really like my kids to try it and join the giveaway kaso they were already enrolled in other programs that will end by may 16 pa =(

  9. Unknown

    Yeah I forgot where I heard it first, but I think this is a really cool program especially for tinkerers! Sayang I'm not in Manila!

  10. fashioneggpplant

    sayang sana i went to this, i think i was in baguio when i got the invite, seems like a great alternative for nikola this summer

  11. Ayi

    Sayang my kids are not yet qualified since they are both below 4 🙁 I've heard about this before and would love to try it out too 🙂

  12. Mommy Levy

    I think my son will be interested in the robotics engineering.

  13. kjrod

    So cool, great activities. Sadly, my daughter is still too young for this.

  14. Quen Gavan

    We tried this last year! Saya!

  15. jared's mum

    i've read about this somewhere + i would like for my little one to try this. i am sure he will enjoy the experience, especially robotics engineering as he is currently so much into robots. too bad i cannot join the giveaway as i live outside of Metro Manila.

  16. ReigningStill

    I saw this on KrisTV. They have this on Bimby's birthday. I would love to join kaso my baby's too young pa. 🙂

  17. Lucky Finds

    I'd like my daughter to try out the Robotics Engineering.

    Emiliana Sison

  18. Janice

    Our Ziggy got to try Engineering for Kids when they had a booth in Eastwood and we enjoyed it a lot. We're hoping to enroll him in one of their classes in the future. 🙂

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