The Flash: Grant Gustin & Barry Allen

I haven’t had this bad of a crush since seeing Matt Bomer/Neal Caffrey on TV while I was pregnant with Kailee.  I was obsessed with seeing Neal Caffrey on TV – I would watch over and over again the Pilot of White Collar and I would have this silly grin on my face while I saw it.  Ask my Panget he can attest to that!

Before Neal Caffrey – I was crushing Seth Cohen from the OC.  I’m sure you’d ask why – well, he’s cute and awkward and geeky.  Hahaha!  I don’t know, I can’t explain it – but he was sort of my perfect guy on TV.  My next TV crush was Chuck Bartowski – again, geeky and awkward and FUNNY!  But then their shows were and I had nothing to look forward to.  And so when I saw Matt Bomer (I remembered him as Bryce Larkin from Chuck) it was TV love at first sight.

I first saw Grant Gustin/Barry Allen in an episode of Arrow.  I knew from the moment he spoke, that I was going to like him (and his character).  He had this funny charm, the talkative very intelligent charismatic – what am I talking about?  He was in character and I loved how he portrayed the character of Barry Allen.  I was berating my Panget asking him all sorts of questions regarding Barry Allen – if he was like that in comics and in cartoons (JLA)

When the Pilot of The Flash leaked – I knew I had to watch it.  Good thing, my TV soulmate/sister had a copy and dropped it on Dropbox.  The wait was agonizing, but when I saw the Pilot – it was first TV love at first watch.  Grant Gustin/Barry Allen was IT.  He was IT!  He is my new TV crush, my new eye candy on TV.  He is someone I will look forward to watching every weekend.  He is the ONE!

As of the moment, I would have seen 4 episodes of The Flash and each time, he gets cuter and cuter!  He plays his character very very very well!


So there, I am YouTube stalking him – watching and re-watching is interviews as The Flash.

Grant Gustin – thank you!  Thank you for playing the part so well.  I am so in like and in love with Barry Allen.

P.S.  For the record, I also like Oliver Queen – he’s HOT!  But these are two different people that I like.  Hahaha!!  Extremes if you ask me.  One is calm, collected and with muscles, while the other one is geeky, awkward, funny and just irresistibly charming.  Just like how cute I feel Felicity Smoke is!  Hahaha.. I wish though that they take out Iris off the picture.  Barry Allen has chemistry with Felicity Smoke AND Caitlin.  Hahahaha!!! So, for those like me who LOVE Grant Gustin/Barry Allen – here’s more!!


  1. michymichymoo

    I haven't watched The Flash, pero parang interesting, ang ggwapo kasi. hahahaha!

  2. Didi

    Watch it!! Its really entertaining.. hahaha!! Benta sa akin super!! 🙂

    Love, Didi

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