Oreo’s Better Together Halloween Trip and Treats

I’ve always felt guilty of not being able to spend more time with Connor.  But let’s be honest – as much as we want to spend equal time with our kids – we just can’t split ourselves up into separate persons to do so.  I remember not understanding the movie *Multiplicity*, but now that I’m a mom – I say to myself that I really need a clone!

My Connor really loves nibbling his food, everyday he would point to the not-so secret drawer that contained snacks (in my room) and he would always get Oreos and have me open it.  As much as I want to stop him – I give in because I felt guilty – and so he has his way.  And he’s so loving it.  I know, it’s not good – but what the heck!  Every child needs to enjoy his Oreos right?  Who am I stop him?  I love Oreos too!

This trip to Tagaytay with just Connor, forced me to spend *alone* time with him.  And I am so very glad that I got to do it.  It’s actually a blessing in disguise, since initially – I was supposed to bring both kids to this Trip and Treats with Oreos.  I personally feel more connected to Connor after our *mini* vacation – all thanks to Oreo’s Better Together campaign – I felt that it was the perfect time to connect with Connor because it’s just going to be and him – without distractions. We were welcomed in Tagaytay with warmth at Hotel Kimberly.  I love that the place is quiet and the size is absolutely perfect for the family!

Connor is one kid that refuses to be dressed up in a costume.  I mean, really – it’s hard enough to get him dressed to go out, what more a costume!  I am one of those moms that dread Halloween because I have no imagination when it comes to costumes!  Hahaha..  This year, I had the help of fellow mommy bloggers – and I’m so glad that I met them at the time that I did a little over a year ago.  Cai was so very nice to lend me her son R’s robot costume.  I told our Yaya to try it on Connor – no need to force him to wear it – but when the time came – my gosh – I was sooooo shocked, I mean Yaya and I were both in shock because Connor was so cooperative and wore his costume – even the headpiece!  Without fighting or crying!  It was like he knew that he needed to be in costume.  WOW!

Here is Kris, OCMominManila kicking off the Oreo festivities:

I was one happy and proud mom because Connor eagerly participated in the festivities.  Too bad he was too young for the games – he really enjoyed the Oreo Hunt though, Yaya said Connor was like a madmad looking for Oreos hidden in the playground!  Hahahaha..

Another proud moment was when it was announced that Connor won one of the 5 Best in Costume!  I was shocked and super proud, I assume that Connor had no idea what was happening to him!  Hahaha…

Look at the prizes that wait the winners and participants of the games!!

Here is Connor enjoying an Oreo treat made by Mish of MommaNManila

Here’s a preview pictures of our festivities.  I swear – I haven’t had this much FUN in years!!

We’re so very lucky to have very *game* hosts This DIY Oreo dessert table was set up by Mish, Cai and Tina Mish & daughter Gia made the Oreo desserts!

See what I meant with #OreosBetterTogether?

EVERYONE and every sheep enjoyed!

Look how happy we all were.  The expressions on our faces do not lie!!

One of the fun Halloween games!! Michelle came up with the super fun games! (I personally would be clueless on what games to include!  Hahaha)

I really enjoyed cheering on the kids! I think that was my calling – Hahaha!!  To be thier *moral support* and cheer them on!

So this is what it looked like from behind the contestants!


I like a friendly *competition*, Okay – we had to eat one whole Oreo each – WITHOUT water! My mouth was sooooo dry but I had to do it! I lost this round because Rina of Rina’s Rainbow distracted me! 

Hahahaha!! 🙂

Indeed this was a real #OreosBetterTogether event for me and Connor, and to my fellow mommy bloggers as well.  I knew these mommies – I have been visiting their blog ever since I became a mom.  I’m glad to have be friends with them – and during this trip, I saw them with their families, with the kids.  It’s quite nice to see this side of them – doting on their kids and being *in the flesh* mothers (as I’ve always just read about their experiences).  It’s so heartwarming for me to meet their families as well and see another side of them that I don’t usually see when we bump into one another in events.  I got to know them more, I immensely enjoyed their company, we shared stories and experiences and just hung out with one another.  I think – it’s only now that I got to meet everyone’s family in the flesh!   Hahaha!  But you see, technology brings us closer together – just like food!  Just like Oreos, it bring the family together, enjoying Oreos as a family.  I don’t think it will ever be complete if there is no Oreos – seriously, because I feel that Oreos is part of growing up.  It’s something that you need to experience and have – or else our childhood won’t be complete.  Don’t you think so? It was just so nice too see everyone with their families having an #OreosBetterTogether time with one another.  So, thank you Oreos for this wonderful, wonderful #OreoBetterTogether experience. Photos courtesy of: Stanley Ong My Mom Friday Rina’s Rainbow

Read More about #OreosBetterTogether from other mommies!!

My Mom Friday

Momma N Manila

The Phenomenal Mama

Manila Fashion Observer

Rina’s Rainbow

Go! Jackie Go! Apples and Dumplings


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