Mustela Press Launch

The first ever time I saw Mustela was in Friends.  It was part of the set of Friends’ last season .  There were a few bottles of Mustela on the table where Rachel kept Emma’s things in the living room.  Here is a screen cap of the scene where Phoebe was signing her *gift* to Emma (right after Joey’s heartfelt I’ll Love You Forever reading)  It was years (I mean yearS) later that I saw it on our shores – Trinoma to be exact.  I remember being told by my Pedia to try out the product and luckily – they had a stall in Trinoma.

I have an unforgettable impression because for the first time ever – I was told by the sales lady ‘Ma’am bili kayo ng container, para mabigyan ko kayo product na matatry niyo sa baby niyo‘  I was asking for a shampoo and the Stelatopia line, I told them that my daughter has eczema (Kailee was diagnosed with Eczema at 3months) and they gladly told me this, since their samples were the full bottles.  True enough, I returned to their stall and they gave me some product, they have me a significant amount to try for about 3 days worth.  I was very impressed because they didn’t have second thoughts on giving me their product to try.  I mean, let’s face it – more often than not, salesladies rarely suggest on getting a container so they can give you some products right?  I was impressed, deep down – I had a high respect for the owners, they knew what needed to be done and was willing to give out samples for customers to try.  They believe in the magic of their product.  We tried the shampoo immediately and it worked wonderfully on Kailee’s flaky scalp, this meant that I didn’t need to put Elica lotion anymore.  The shampoo worked wonderfully and we used it until Kailee was about a year and a half.

I was invited to the Press Launch of Mustela Philippines and I was so happy to have met the women (yes! Women) behind Mustela Philippines!  These two lovely ladies are the epitome of beauty, happiness and success!  I am so glad to have finally met them, after all these years of wondering who was behind bringing Mustela to the country.  So, THANK YOU Tammy and Shar for bringing to the country, this wonderful wonderful product!!

The Mustela Mommies

(L-R) Tin Dychiao, Shen Cala-Or and Nicole Hernandez

These are just some of the Mustela products that I am familiar with.  

There are a LOT more!!

I have been looking for a good sunscreen for Kailee and Connor.  The ones I’ve tried, I wasn’t really *sold* on them.  There’s one that was a spray on type, initially I thought this was great but then – my kids developed a rash after a few minutes of application.  There was this other well known brand that I used that didn’t seem to work, because Connor had burns on his face considering that he wasn’t under the sun too long (maximum of 20minutes).  Then there was this other brand that was so hard to apply on the face and on the body, it was like a hard wax!  I was honestly on the look out for a good sunscreen and I am preparing this early for our annual Subic trip for next year (yes, I plan that far ahead!) because the kids for sure will be bugging us to go swimming at the yacht club.  I like that they have a complete line – from sunscreen to an after sun product.  I won’t need to look any further – I can get all of what I need in one place and I am sure that everything will be okay on my kid’s skin.


  1. Caths Chua

    tammy is a batchmate of ours fr Grace 🙂 i didn't know you were wondering pala

  2. krissy ♥

    Oh wow, ang bilis ng mata mo you saw the bottles from that scene in FRIENDS!

    Thanks for coming to the launch, Didi! 🙂

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