QCSC: Pumpkin Seafood Surprise!

QCSC aka Quezon City Sports Club is our go to place when we don’t have a cook.  Here, we get to just order the food and either bring it home or eat it there.  Plus there’s a playground (not the cleanest, but it’ll do – just to keep the kids entertained)  If you ask me, the quality of the food is just alright.  It’s not the best and its not very bad – I think it falls in the middle category of the ‘pwede na’ but it’s convenient since its nearby and familiar.

One lazy Saturday afternoon, we decided to go to lunch at QCSC and it was suggested by our resident waiter to order the Pumpkin Seafood Pot.  Wow!  I thought it was new!  Cool, right?  I didn’t know what to expect but, lo and behold – this was served to us:

Surprise!  Surprise!

It was good!  I think I will want to order this the next time we visit!  Hehehe.. New (late) discovery for me and my Panget!!


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