Thank YOU iStudio!!

Last Tuesday, was just an ordinary day.  But then after lunch, when I opened my Macbook, I noticed that the trackpad wasn’t working 100%.  Meaning when I was navigating it – and wanted to scroll down and click – I couldn’t do so.  It wasn’t responding at all.  I was nervous, so I would do what a normal person would – restart the computer.  

Bad decision.
It didn’t restart.  What appeared was this:  
I know nothing about computers.  All I know is how to turn it on and off.  Type and surf and compose.  That’s it.  Anything more – I do not have an idea to do.  So when I saw this – I tried to search on my phone. I keyed in Y sign, 2 equal sign and a circle and a rectangle, I was desperate.  And then I finally clicked Images on Google and I found out that it was called FireWire.  
I immediately called my go-to for Macbook repairs, Ynzal Marketing.  I sent my MB to them and they ‘tested’ it.  The person in charge, Nomer said that the letter T was stuck.  He needed to open the MB – I had no choice!  He told me that it was either a)  the Letter T was really stuck or b) there was a problem with the Circuit board.  #$%#.  Circuit board, that only meant that the entire MB is 50/50.  Bloody hell.  After a few hours, I got a call from Nomer – he told me that the circuit board is good but the letter T was stuck and and trackpad is damaged.  He told me that I needed to have the ‘top case’ of my MB replaced.  He then said that since my MB is an old model – from what he knows, it’s considered obsolete.  That I might need to settle for a 2nd hand one – and that it was going to cost at least P3,000.00.  He would help me find one.  But for the meantime – what I can do is use an external keyboard and a mouse.  
Great.  Where will I find one?  I searched online and found one in, it was P3,000.00 and it was black.  Then I remembered Larry Ang of iStudio.  It was from him that I bought a replacement battery for my aluminum MBP and a charger.  His service is always topnotch, he’s very easy to talk to and most of all – he doesn’t charge and arm and a leg.  So I took the chance and gave him a call – I was surprised that he still remembered me!  So I told him my problem – the Fire Wire screen , I asked him if he knew anyone who was selling a top case because I needed it replaced.  He asked that I send him the serial number because my MB might be considered for a replacement.  He also said that he will ask his technicians because they have trade in units – he will check first and then call me.  
The wait was honestly nerve wracking – I was so worried!  After an hour or so, he gave me a call – he said that he was on the other line with his technician, and that they found a unit similar to mine – I need to bring my MB to his store in V-Mall so they can check if its compatible.  There was only one catch – their units are all white.  Hahaha!!  I was perfectly fine with it – Larry said ‘Basta mapagana lang natin!‘  I totally agree, diba!  When I asked him how much it would cost – he said not to worry, about it.  I was shocked, literally SHOCKED!  I was in disbelief.  Did I hear it correctly?  Apparently, I did – he told me to look for Clark – and that Clark will take care of it.
This morning – I went to iStudio in V-Mall, I looked for Clark – I was praying so hard that the top case will be compatible – and it IS!!  Presenting my newest Macbook!  Hahaha…
I am still in disbelief that iStudio replaced it for FREE!  I mean, FREE – nothing, I was not charged a single centavo.  No service charge – NOTHING!  I am very very thankful and forever grateful!  Larry Ang of iStudio – THANK YOU and may God Bless you, your family and your business!!
My Macbook looks funny – but I don’t care anymore – as long as it works!  
Thank you talaga iStudio – SUPER!!
This is what you call CUSTOMER SERVICE.  I mean, they can opt to charge me – but they didn’t!  They could be greedy and charge a desperate person who needed a part badly – but they didn’t.  They chose the high road – WOW.  I am so amazed.  
So if you need anything – go to iStudio!  They have branches everywhere.


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