DIDI’scoveries: Netipot by Sinucleanse

Ever since I got pregnant with Kailee, I’ve had sever allergies.  And it never went away.  Everyday, I would sneeze and blow my nose.  My helpers think I have all year round colds – and I honestly thought it was too!  Until, I was diagnosed with allergies.  I would drink allergy medicines, but they will just be effective for a while.  I’ve accepted the fact that I would have this my whole life.

One of the things that has helped me get through my allergies is the constant cleaning and vacuuming of the common rooms in the house.  I would require my helper to vacuum the common areas twice a week at least.

And then I researched online, and found Netipot.  It seemed really strange to be honest, but then a lot of people swear by it.  I have friends who have told me that it has worked for them and their allergies were managed and some even say it cured their allergies.  I was very willing to try it out – but the problem was, it wasn’t available here in Manila.  I posted a status message on FB asking if there were any netipost sold in Manila – and I got a number of answers.

So last Sunday, I was in Shangri-La Mall, I made sure to drop by True Value to see if there were any still left.  When I entered the store, I asked the staff – they told me to go the counter display.  I rushed to the cashier to ask and she told me that it was already out of stock.  I was sad, but then when I turned around, I saw it!  It was there, so I picked up one and saw that there were only 3 pieces left.  What’s more wonderful was that it was at 50% off!  I was planning to buy in Amazon, but was really hesitant because of the time it will take to reach me.  I opted for this since it’s already here and I would be able to use it immediately.

And last night, I used it.  It felt really weird at first.  I had to breathe through my mouth.  The feeling was so weird, to best describe it – it was the feeling of drowning.  Yes – it was how it felt the first time – the solution seemed like it moved up the sinus and down again to the other nostril.  What’s great about it is that it irrigates the nasal passages.  So after pouring the saline solution, on both nostrils – it feels so clean!  Mucos-less and clear!  You can breathe normally!  Galing diba?

So there, I will be doing this for the next 30days as I have a packet of 30 pieces.  Let’s hope that my allergies gets managed.  I am merely hoping to lessen the allergies and not eliminate it, but if it cures it – all the better, right?  Make sure to use boiled tap water or distilled water.  Make sure too, that it’s lukewarm.

To all those who are interested, you may head to the nearest True Value, Handyman, and DIY store to try your luck in finding the Netipot!

I’ll be doing updates on my Facebook Page, so if you would indulge me, please like my FB page and join me as I chronicle my Netipot journey to manage my allergies!

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Did it help with your allergies??

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