Yaya Diaries: Guidelines for Yaya Interviews

You can read more about my Yaya Diaries at THIS link.

I’m sharing with you guys the guidelines that I have made in interviewing yayas.  This is not a foolproof way, but just a guide.  When I was looking for a yaya, I didn’t have this, I made this up to help out friends.  I thought that this is one way to pay it forward and help new moms.  I apologize for the Tag-Lish language.. Hihi..

I hope you get to use this or at least help you guys narrow out what you need to ask.  Remember that there are some yayas who interview very well, but can’t perform.  It’s really a trial and error if you ask me, so Good Luck!

If you have suggestions or added insights, please feel free to add them at the comment section!  

1.  Ilan taon ka na?  May asawa?  Ilan ang anak?  Nasan ang

–  You must decide how old you want your yaya to be.  A young yaya
may not know many things, but an old yaya might have a hard time with the
sleepless nights.  Kami we had an age limit we put the bar at 40. 
Feeling kasi naman kung older than 40 baka mahirapan na with the demands of the
a newborn baby.

–  Ask for their age, then ask for the year they were born.  You’ll
see here if they’re lying or not.  Interchange it a bit if you’re not convinced.

–  Ask if they’re married, what is the work/trabaho of the husband? 
(Married yayas have baggage – meaning kapag nag-away minsan nadadala ang
emotion sa trabaho)

–  Ask if they have kids – ask for the ages and where they are? 
(Yaya’s kids can also be considered as baggage – if the kid is sick,
immediately aalis yan to take care of her kid if she lives in the Metro)

–  If the pamilya is in the province – at least may peace of mind ka na
hindi siya aalis basta basta (kasi kelangan pa nila magtravel to go home)

B.  Gaano ka katagal sa huli mong amo?

–  If they say a few months, magtaka ka na.  Ask why they only stayed
a few months?

–  If they say years – then ask why they left?  Nagkaron ba ng
problem?  Why leave after all these years?

–  Ask if they took care of a newborn.  Ask how many new borns
they’ve taken cared of and for how long.  (Pag sinabing nakapag-alaga ng
mga niece and nephews – iba yon ha!  Haha)

C.  Ilan na ang naging amo mo?
–  You’ll see with this question KUNG tumatagal ba siya sa work niya or
–  If tumatagal – then you MIGHT have a keeper
–  If papalit-palit – then you might have a tempo yaya in the works, may
reason yan kung bakit ganon siya.  Wala siyang staying power.
–  Ask for the names of her previous employers and their numbers (so you
can verify diba?  no harm in calling them up to ask)  One of the most common reasons I hear
recently is that ‘Nag-Abroad na po ang amo ko’ I think they are taught to answer that so that the have a clean slate.
–  Pansinin mo if the yaya badmouths her former employer – verify mo kung

D.  Ano ang sakop ng trabaho mo?
–  Yaya SHOULD take care of the baby, bathe, feed, clean, put to sleep,
play and interact with baby.  Yaya should also launder clothes of the
baby, clean the room and the bathroom.  Anything baby related should be
tasked to the yaya.
–  Some yayas say that they don’t do laundry or clean the room.  I
don’t think this is right – as if naman 24/7 naka-tutok siya kay baby!
–  Regarding the laundry – they CAN argue that they can’t leave the baby –
you can counter with ‘pwede ka naman maglaba sa bathroom ni baby at bumaba
nalang para magsampay (tinuro yan ng yaya ko sa akin!  Hahaha)
–  She also should share some responsibilities around the house like wash
her dishes and her clothes too!
–  Most yayas now have a cellphone attached to their hips.  Tell her
that when she’s taking care of the baby – WALANG CELLPHONE.  My first yaya
was grabe while Kailee was crying NAKIKIPAGUSAP PA SA CELLPHONE!! Grrr….

E.  Magkano ang sweldo na inaasahan mo? 
–  Running rate daw is 7K and above BUT for me its highway robbery –
UNLESS super duper galing siya.  Super Yaya in other words
–  You can start at 5k to 6K and tell her na you can increase naman based
on her performance

Determine if you’ll give her SSS, Phil Health and Pag-ibig (I personally give them this – ever since 2011)  
This is a REQUIREMENT already so you really need to comply
–  DO NOT ASK kung ilang day off gusto
nila. SOP is 1 day off a month lang.  Some kasi have 2 days off na
balikan, may iba na 1 day off na overnight.  Pag overnight kasi – paano si
baby diba?  Ask your relatives and friends on their thoughts on days off.  With my
yaya – I give her 2 days off na balikan (she has to be back by 6pm the latest),
hindi naman niya inaabuso and minsan ayaw pa niya mag day off kasi gastos daw.
According to
the KB Law, KBs are allowed 1-24hrs day off weekly
 What I do is since
the minimum is only 2,500.00 I tell her I’d give her more IF 1’s a month lang
day off niya..  Haggle nalang?

–  Lay the cards if you’re willing to give
advances/vale, I don’t kasi eh..  

There are other factors that I learned that I needed to know – I realized this when I was on a Coach Pia session with the #SoMoms.  Here’s a link to my learning with the Coach Pia session on Building Relationships with your Househelp.

Good Luck fellow Mommies!!

P.S.  For all my Yayas/Helpers I require them to have the following:
a)  Picture (if they don’t have one – I have them go to the nearest Kodak place to get one. I usually ask them to have a 2×2 and 1×1 picture)
b)  I also ask them to fill up a bio-data/application form
c)  Xerox of their birth certificate which after 2 months, I require them to have an NSO copy (for SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-Ibig) If the yaya doesn’t have this – I don’t get them.


  1. Lei

    Masyado pa ring malaki ang 5k to 6k starting I start at 3k then periodically increase. My yaya of 5 years left nasa 5k na sueldo then nung bumalik sya I told her she'll start at 3k again.

  2. Didi

    Leirs! IKR, pero the ones na nahahanap ko are those rates!! I wish nga merong 3K lang eh…

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