Starbucks’ Say YES to Yum!

Say YES to delicious possibilities with Starbucks’ newest drinks!  I have to say, I’m very excited to try their unexpected concoctions!

Banana Chocolate Frappuccio and Strawberry Cheesecake Frappuccino! 

 Starting June 10 these babies will be available for everyone to try!!  Whats great is that from June 10 – 11, Starbucks will be giving away six (6) Say Yes rewards vouchers!  Simply use your Starbucks card to purchase and you will automatically receive the rewards vouchers.  These vouchers can be used on the following dates:

Here are some of the new food items that will also be available on the same day:

 Banana Chocolate Puff
Chicken Parmigiana Wrap 
 Ham and Cheese Brioche

 Oven baked fried chicken and bacon reslish on French Toast
(I know the name is long, but aren’t you salivating with it yet?? I know, I am!!)
Strawberry Pistachio Cake


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