Exclusive: Starbucks Reserve

Starbucks Reserve is a store where partners are all Coffee Masters.  Why is this so?  Well because the products, like them are hand-picked because of their excellence.  Starbucks Reserve offers coffee enthusiasts a selection of rare, most exotic and extremely limited coffees from unusual locales around the world.

Here is their exclusive debut to Starbucks Reserve Philippines:

My favorite it the Zambia Peaberry Terranova Estate because among the four – it’s the lightest and I love the hint of Vanilla.  We were informed that this is the LAST batch of coffee beans thus this is the rarest coffee bean among the four.

These exclusive coffees are only available in Starbucks Reserve stores.  And here in the Philippines, there are currently two (2) Starbucks Reserve stores that are open.  One is the Tomas Morato branch while the other is at the 8 Forbes Town (near Burgos Circle).  There will be three more Starbucks Reserve stores to be opened this year and they will be at Keyland Center, Central Square and Signa.

Of course, there are also the select Exclusive Food to pair with the select coffees:

Apple Cinnamon Scone 

Black Pepper & Cheese Scone 

Blueberry Scone 

Carrot Muffin 

 Double Chocolate Muffin

Granola Cheese Muffin

I am very much looking forward to tasting more Starbucks Reserve coffees!

Congratulations Starbucks Philippines!

In line with this, I am giving away a little something from Starbucks!  To join, simply share this link to your Facebook pages and leave your name, email address and the link to your FB share on the comment section.  I will use random.org to pick the winner on May 27, 2014!  One entry per person please!


  1. Theresa Cruz-Escaros

    Theresa Cruz-Escaros
    FB share: facebook.com/theresa.cruzescaros/posts/10202955080016045

  2. Istin

    Maria Christina Gumatay

  3. Unknown

    Name: Jen Labang
    E-mil: jenlabang[at]yahoo.com
    FB Share Link: facebook.com/jen.labang.7/posts/725111637552598

  4. Badet Siazon

    Badet Siazon
    ba_det at yahoo dot com
    FB: facebook.com/badudets/posts/10152485560479913

  5. deejayz

    Julius Lao
    laocee at yahoo.com
    FB Link: facebook.com/pruneskie/posts/10203847039201961

  6. Didi

    Winner is Badet Siazon!
    I will email you!!

    Thanks for joining!

    Love, Didi

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