Proud MOMents: Kailee’s Letter A!

I was looking after Connor when I heard Kailee say ‘Mommy!  I draw an A!’

Kailee likes to write/doodle.  The first thing she was able to draw randomly was a spider.  Well, technically it wasn’t a spider, but it looked closely like a spider.  An oval shaped thing with feet!  I was so proud of her when I saw that.

So, when I turned my attention to her, I was shocked, amazed and oozing with pride.

She did draw a letter A!

I exclaimed in delight and told her that I was so proud of her and that I was so happy!  She immediately ran to me and gave me a hug!  I was telling her how proud I was of her and that I was going to cry – she looked confused!  Hahaha..

I am so proud of her.  This is considering the fact that this was the first time she attempted to draw/write letters!  I was actually going to start teaching her to try and write in the next few weeks.  Well, she beat me to it!  Now, what do I teach her?  Letters?  Shapes?  Numbers?  Help!!

I made her draw the letter A a couple of times and she still did it!  Hahaha, so here’s a video that I took.  I am so very proud of Kailee.


  1. Michelle

    Congrats to Kailee (and to you, too)! Let her learn bit by bit. I would suggest starting with big letters first so that she'll be familiar with their stroke and shape. Then teach her to write her name. Good luck!

    And BTW, belated happy birthday. 🙂

  2. Didi

    Michelle! THANK YOU!! 🙂 I will heed your suggestion! I was actually thinking nga of what to teach her next. Ngayon, nasa A phase kami, she just like to draw the letter A parati! Hahaha…

    Thank you and see you soon!!!

    Love, Didi

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