Cooking Quest: Karaage Chicken

While in Tokyo, Karaage chicken was a staple in our meals, simply because Kailee loved them.  I was amazed on how she could finish off half an order.  I vowed to try and make it for her when we came home.

While searching for a recipe online – I found that, there’s a Japan Karaage Association!  I am learning to love the Japanese – I find it funny in a way that they would have an association just for Karaage Chicken!  They must truly love this dish and developed it as an art, very interesting – don’t you think?

It is just now, that I finally got around to make it for her.  The outcome was somewhat
the same great, but look was very different! I may really need to look for potato starch (although some recipes just call for cornstarch)

Karaage Chicken

1 kilos – Thigh fillets cut into small bite size pieces (I used the skinless)
2 Tbsp – Sake
2 Tbsp – Soy Sauce (I used Kikoman)
1-1/2 Tbsp – Grated Ginger
1-1/2 Tbsp – Grated Garlic
2 Tbsp – Granulated Sugar
Equal parts of Potato Starch and Flour
Lemon (as garnish)
Ajinimoto (optional)

Add Garlic, Sake, Soy Sauce, Ginger and Sugar together.
Add the chicken pieces
Put in a ziplock plastic or container and seal with Saran wrap
Marinate for at least 4 hours (I did mine overnight)
Before frying – add equal parts potato starch and flour, add some salt and pepper too!
Coat the chicken pieces.
Heat oil
When the oil is hot – add the chicken pieces one by one.
Put the flame to medium and continue frying until chicken turns light brown.
Take out the chicken and set aside.
When all chicken are cooked, heat the oil again and put to maximum flame.
Add all the chicken and cook in high heat.
When chicken turns golden in color – take them out.

Serve them with lemon. 


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