Batas Kasambahay

And its official – the IRR (implementing rules and regulations) is already out and will be fully implemented by June 3, 2013.

Make sure to read through the IRR and ask questions on the provisions that confuse you.  I’ll try my best to help you in clarifying them.  FYI – I am NOT in anyway connected to DOLE or any PEA.  I am no expert too!  But I am willing to help since I’ve been doing for a while already.

I know its a big adjustment for some, but luckily for me – I was already giving these benefits to my helpers (I learned it through my mom).

I have a soft copy of the IRR plus the contracts and payslips.  If you want a copy, kindly leave your email address on the comment section, so I can send it to you.  I don’t know how to upload a PDF file to blogger.  Sorry!!  Click this link to download the IRR contract and payslips!

If you have questions – kindly leave them on the comment section and
I’ll try my bestest to answer them.  I am no expert, but I believe that
since I have been doing this routine for years, I’m quite knowledgeable
on the topic.  You can also send me an email at

Good luck everyone!! 🙂

Related Posts on my blog
Kwentong Kasambahay
Yaya Blues: Yaya Mae
My opinion on the Kasambahay Bill


  1. Anonymous

    hi candice, can I have a soft copy of the IRR? My email add is kawee_j[at] thanks!

  2. Didi

    Hi! Sent! Please check your email.


  3. Anonymous

    Hi, please send a softcopy of the contracts and payslips to alyssasy[at] Thank you very much!

  4. Anonymous

    Hi, can you please me a softcopy of the contracts and payslip as well? tsubakichii[at]
    Thanks in advance.

  5. Anonymous

    Greatly appreciate if you can send me the copy 🙂 jbhudz8[at]

  6. Anonymous


    thank you so much for your blog, it's been helpful.
    Can you send me a copy of the IRR, contracts and payslip?
    Thank you once again. matthewchristian7719[at]

  7. autumn_mooncake

    Hi! can i have a copy? thank you so much for the helpful information dissemination. Tnx. Autumn_mooncake[at]

  8. Anonymous

    hi! can you please share the IRR, contract and payslip? vcbalmeo[at]

  9. Anonymous

    hi, im interested to have one. pls send copy to my email phil_lady2001[at] thank u so much.

  10. Anonymous

    Hi, can u please send a copy of the contract and payslip only? Kindly email the following to chynna.m[at]

    Thank u!

  11. Anonymous

    Hi! please send it to me too.

    My email: joe20.1979[at]

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