Patty, this is for you!

A few years ago, a good friend of mine was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.  When I heard of this, I immediately called her – and while I was bawling like a baby, she at the other end of the line was very calm.  She was narrating to me what her doctors told her – she even commented that her doctor didn’t have bedside manners at all, I remember her saying that her doctor told her bluntly ‘It not a good sign, at all!’

She went through six cycles of chemotherapy, she told me when I visited her in Hong Kong, that those were the worst times of her life – that it seemed like she was dying every time she would undergo chemo.  I told her to hang-on and she told me that its so hard to hang-on when she was feeling her worst every single time.  She would tell me at times (when she wasn’t in a good mood) that I didn’t know what it feels like because I’ve never gone through chemo, true – yes.  It hard actually because I want to comfort her and give her moral support – but since I didn’t really know what she was going through – I was just, going with what my gut told me.  She’s now in remission, she’s been cancer-free for a few years now – and I am glad that she got cured.  When you see her now, you won’t even believe she was sick then.

A few months ago, a cyber friend Patty was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Let me tell you, I was completely shocked of how she took the news.  For one thing, she let her cyber friends (like me) be in the know, unlike most people who would keep these details privy.  She kept us all in the loop of things, the news, the tests etc.  It was as if we were all part of her – I admire her courage (in sharing the news), I mean I really do. 

Its funny when I think of how I met Patty – to be honest, I’ve never met her physically, we’ve been online friends for quite a while now.  I met her through Femalenetwork’s forum, GirlTalk.  I really liked reading her comments and I think she was one of those first customers I had when I was selling my pre-loved items.  I’m sentimental like that –  I remember those things.  Hahaha!  From GirlTalk, we became blog friends to Plurk friends to Twitter friends.  I honestly did not believe that online friendships worked until I developed a relationship with those people I met online.  Like Patty, even if we’re not physical friends – I read her blog, she lets me in on her everyday thoughts.  It’s so funny that I think I know her.  I’m sure I’d say HI and give her a big hug when I bump into her, I’m sure I’d recognize DH, Anissa and Sabine anywhere – it’s so weird and comforting (at the same time), but I feel like I know them somehow.   

In my attempt to give moral support, I sent her messages of encouragement, I told her to stay positive – and let me tell you her positivity is AMAZING – she’s even more positive than I am!  Its really nakakagulat because, my friend wasn’t THAT positive, but Patty – I’m in AWE of her positivity!  I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who is as positive as her when it comes to her battle with the Big C.  Ibang klase..  And that’s really good, you see I am one of those believers in the Positive Thinking attitude, because frankly – it works, all the time!!

Patty’s strength is so admirable, she looks at things in a different way.  She’s not bitter, but rather delighted (sorry Patty for the word) but seriously, when she’s faced with some hurdles – she offers it to the Big Guy up there – and I think it helps her, a LOT, and I mean a LOT!  I am constantly in AWE at her strength and positivity.  Ibang klase, I tell you.  Patty is such an inspiration to us all, especially to me!

Patty, you are my peg of courage and strength!  STAY POSITIVE!  STAY STRONG!  We will always be here for you, to support you!  We love you!


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