Kailee’s First Haircut!

Last Saturday Kailee had her first haircut at Cuts for Tots.  The experience wasn’t as stressful or traumatizing as I was expecting it to be.  It was actually pleasant – a bit of strange for Kailee, but something very memorable for me and my Panget.

Kailee was immediately seated in those car like chairs.  The salon was prepared with distractions – toys, TV with various cartoon shows as entertainment and bubbles!  Their staff doubled as entertainers as well.

It took us less than 30 minutes.

Kailee was a very good customer over all.  She didn’t cry, she only stood up to dance when she heard music and she kept on looking over both her shoulders at the person cutting her hair!  I think Kailee was most irritated when the hairdresser held her ears! 

Kailee’s hair is now shorter.  She looks more like a baby!  

We’ve joked that she looks like a boy – a really cute boy (so this is what a baby boy will look like!  hahaha)

The haircut was quite pricey – P295.00, and I bit into the bug of availing of the before and after picture with a lock of her hair enclosed in a small ziploc bag – that’s another P190.00.


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