month, we focus on back to basics. Participants will share advices –
either the best breastfeeding advice they received OR/AND the best
breastfeeding advice they can give to new moms. Please scroll down to
the end of the post to see the list of carnival entries.”
Let me say this not to discourage you but to give you the truth –
plainly. Some people have it easy and
some people don’t, and I belong to the later.
You see, I was clueless on breastfeeding. I only knew from what I saw with my sister in
law. I remember it clearly, as it was
just yesterday – we were in Subic for the long weekend, and she was
breastfeeding Shobe at that time. I
remember her going up to me and telling me that she was experiencing clogged
ducts (then, I understood it as may matigas sa boob) she was telling me how
painful it was that she didn’t know what to do already. I can remember seeing her face in agony. I thought to myself – what kind of pain was
she experiencing? Now that I am
breastfeeding my Kailee – I understood what she meant, what she felt, what she
was going through. At that time – I
could only offer her moral support – now, I understood that it needed more than
sure they will be lengthy) advice and tips that I can give you.
as it serves it purpose. I will not name
a brand (so to seem unbiased!
Hahaha) but I will tell you to
get an electric and a manual pump. The
electric pump will serve as your main pump – this will be the pump you will use
when you are home or at the office. So,
what’s the manual pump for? I learned
that it is useful – whenever you go out.
This manual pump will serve as your back up ‘just in case’ you go beyond
your time in between pumps. I realized
this the hard way. I was out for lunch
at a kiddie party, what was planned as a two hour ‘lakwatsa’ turned out to be a
6 hour lakwatsa. My boobs felt really
stiff and it was beginning to be painful.
I wasn’t armed with a manual pump then, I left my electric pump at home
because I thought that I would be home in time for my next pumping session –
but I went overtime. Had I brought my
manual pump, I could have gone out longer!
Just kidding – but I wouldn’t have experienced the stiffness and the
pain. After that experience, I was
paranoid – so I brought my manual pump with me wherever I went. And I tell you, it was one of the best things
ever – because that meant that I could pump anywhere and anytime.
friends. I know, some friends might have
already passed that stage – but even if they did, I’m sure they can help you
out with encouragement and advice! You
need the breastfeeding vibe – to help you go on with your struggles, to share
your breastfeeding insights, to help and tell you that you are doing the most
natural thing – breastfeeding your baby.
I was amazed with all the help I got!
It seemed like when you seek for a breastfeeding answer, your
breastfeeding friends offer not only advice but their helping hand and
more! I have to thank my breastfeeding
friends – my HS batchmates, especially to Joy – who created the egroup where I
source advice and tips from – and let me tell you, a question is IMMEDIATELY
answered over there! Thanks guys!
they may be online friends who share the same dedication as you. I have met them online – I don’t know them
personally but in cyberspace I consider them my very good friends because of
the things I learned from them (reading their blogs and articles). There’s this thing that connects you to them
– and its breastfeeding, whether you do direct feeding or pump
exclusively. You form this bond because
you understand where the other is coming from.
And I’m glad that at this day and age, you have a support group –
online! There are a lot of sites to
visit – just look at the bottom of this entry and I’m sure you’ll see what I
I can never say it enough – learn to give back, pay forward what was
given you. I am a walking breastfeeding
advocate, I’m not the hardcore one – but I encourage friends to
breastfeed. I was helped out by friends
and I realized that I wanted to help out friends – as a way to pay back and
give thanks to what was shared to me.
Help out those who seek for help and encouragement when it comes to
breastfeeding. Saying the simple words
‘You’re doing a great job’ goes a long long way. I have to be honest, during the first few
months of breastfeeding – I felt unappreciated.
I was direct feeding, I was pumping, I was working, I was tired – and no
one understood what I was going through – but when a friend told me that I was
doing a great job (because they saw how healthy and happy Kailee is) I felt
that finally – somebody appreciated me!
That’s why when I meet breastfeeding moms – I tell them they’re doing
great and compliment them every way I can – because I want them to feel good
about themselves and know that there are people out there who believe in
them. Remember, a small amount of
encouragement goes a long, long way!
Some say that they don’t have enough milk – let me tell you that you have enough – its just about scheduling. Some prefer direct feeding (I prefer this) while some prefer pumping exclusively – both methods are great, it will just depend on what you’re comfortable with. I prefer direct, because there’s the ‘forced’ bonding time that you share with your baby, I say forced because you have no choice! I like direct feeding because it eliminates the time spent assembling your pump and pumping the milk out. But when Kailee hit 3 months, I was forced to pump exclusively – Kailee seemed more gassy when we direct fed. I was in denial the first week, but as the weeks progresses I got more comfortable with the idea. I mean I was sad, but then I thought to myself that the important thing was that she was taking my milk – nevermind losing the forced bonding time.
But if you pump exclusively, you need to create a schedule – I was told to pump round the clock for every 3 hours that was when Kailee was 3 months+ old. So I followed the schedule 12 – 3 – 6 – 9, I followed this to the T. I would wake up in the middle of the night to pump even if I was super sleepy. I’d stop working just to pump. Remember reading my pumping experience while in Hong Kong? Well, even while travelling – I pumped religiously. With this schedule, I was able to store a LOT of frozen breastmilk – and I even donated so many of them away! Some take for granted the schedule thinking that they can do away with a session – but for me, its better to store for a rainy day rather than be stressed and play catch-up. Its not worth the stress – believe me! Another advice is to eat a LOT. I must admit that the theory of losing weight while breastfeeding – not applicable to me! As I have not yet lost my pregnancy weight. I am speaking from experience when I say that I can’t produce enough milk when I eat little. And so to continue my steady milk production – I eat and eat.. the good thing is… I am not gaining any wieght. Hahaha!
my head as of the moment! Let me
organize them and I will update this entry as soon as I can. Lots of things to say so little time to
organize! Hahahaha…
Read on what my fellow BREASTfriends have to share!!
The Articulate Pen’s Breastfeeding needs Patience
Diapers and Stethoscope’s Back to Basic
My Mommyology’s What I’ve Learned About Breastfeeding
Ms. Masungit’s From One Mom To Another
The Odyssey of Dinna’s Breastfeeding Words of Wisdom
Mrs. Bry126’s We’re All in this Together
I Am Clarice’s Paying it Forward
My Mommy Kwentos’ Sharing My Favorite Breastfeeding Advice
Planet Marsy’s Better Than None
Mommy {T} Coach’s Saved by the Nursing Mommas
Mama Drama’s Patience and Breast-friends
Adventures on Planet Mom’s Stubborn Me! Sure Glad I didn’t give up
Nanaystrip’s Eat Malunggay, Say “I Have Milk” and Love your Baby
Starting at Twenty-Five’s My Husband’s Best Breastfeeding Advice
Nanay *Loves* Purple’s Why Attend Breastfeeding Class/Seminars
Truly Rich Mom’s My Top 5 Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms
Legally Mama’s Take it from the non-expert!
Mommy Mama Rat’s My Breastfeeding Mantra
Mr. Jacob’s Mom’s Breastfeeding Tips from a Non-Breastfed Mommy
Hybrid Rasta Mama’s Breastfeeding Lists, Advice, Links and More
Apples and Dumplings’ One Word of Breastfeeding Advice
Touring Kitty’s Just Do It
EthanMama’s Only the Best for My Baby
the canDIshhh tales’ My Breastfeeding Advice
Mec as Mom’s Enough is Enough
Chronicles of a Nursing Mom’s On Breastfeeding Number Two – Redux
I just came across the term BREAST-friends in this carnival and I love it!
But I feel the same way about paying it forward: I was fortunate to get the help that I needed and because I know that it's not easy if you do it alone, I am happy to help and encourage other breastfeeding moms too!
Consistent and frequency makes a difference in supply. If you pump frequently but only when you feel like it, your body will not be able to adjust. But if pump consistently but not frequently, your supply will not increase.
Happy to have found breastfriends on the web! I'd rather read real experiences than just researches!
I know what you mean by paying it forward.. I made a facebook group for my high school batchmates who are now mommies. There we share tips and words of encouragement in our new journey! Of course, I shared the link list to those who are still breastfeeding!
Pay it forward! I shall do that
Like you I was able to find a lot of support even online so yes, I will make it a point to help my nursing friends
It doesn't need to be any technical advice, affirmation may all what they need 
Paying it forward is really the way to go!
Kudos to you for this post! God bless always!
Mommy T! You're right on the affirmation!!
It makes us moms feel appreciated!! 
Thanks to everyone who visited and left a comment!!
Kudos to all of us!!
eating well is a great advice to breastfeeding moms. but eat in moderation, too.
affirmations are great – and i love it every time my husband S tells me that E is getting bigger everyday and all because of my milk! thanks for joining the carnival.
I admire you hands down, for following the three-hour regimen to the letter. I did that, too but only during daytime. At nighttime, I couldn't get my lazy ass to get up and pump milk!
Hi Jenny! Thanks! Hehehe.. Eat in moderation – YES! hehehehe.
Hi Legallymama! Thanks so much for your affirmation!!
I was lazy before but I'm super afraid of the plugged ducts kaya I really wake up talaga..
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