Contest ALERT: J&J Baby Bedtime Goodies!

To celebrate the one month of my baby girl tomorrow – let me have a pa-contest!

I will be giving away these two J&J Baby Bedtime goodies!

 To join – simply follow the instructions below: (leave these details at the comment section)
1)  Mention a well wish for my Kailee (i.e Happy 1st Month Kailee!, etc.)
2)  Your valid email address
3)  Contest is for Metro Manila residents only BUT if you’re from elsewhere and is willing to shoulder the shipping costs – join away!! 🙂

Its that simple, you can join as many times you want!
The winner will be picked using

Contest will start today and end on Monday – April 11, 2010 at 11:59PM!
Entries received AFTER the cut off will not be included in the raffle!!

Thanks everyone!! 🙂


  1. MrsMartinez |

    sali ako hehe

    I wish Kailee to be a smart and loving girl to ehr parents when she grows up!


  2. krys

    I wish Kailee to be a God fearing and law abiding citizen when she grows up. 🙂

  3. bisnis online

    Wahh.. Makasih Info nya kk ^_^

  4. Anonymous

    happy 1st month kailee! stay healthy!

    love from:

  5. Maan

    Happy 1st Month Kailee! I wish you to stay healthy and be free from harm. May God shower you with love and happiness. You are blessed.


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