White Collar

I have a new TV show that I am obsessing about!!

I saw a glimpse of it on Fox channel on cable.

I was wondering what it was all about but when I saw Bryce Larkin aka Neal Caffrey – I had to watch it till the end.  Too bad though that I had to go out for lunch.

But I was really obsessing about the show, even asking Mindy of Too Much TV what it was all about.  The show is like a TV adaptation of Catch me if you can, but this time – the lead is a bonafide ‘consultant’ at the start, so no chasing scenes!!

I asked my Panget to bring me Metrowalk because I really wanted to watch the TV series.  He then promised me that he would copy from his friend’s HD. 

And last night, I got my dose!!

The pilot episode was fantastic!  I enjoyed the whole show from start to finish, it was such a great Pilot, I mean I was impressed every second!! 🙂

The succeeding episodes were okay, they’re not the best but they were okay.  The hype and energy from the first episode wasn’t present in the other 4 episodes that I saw, plus I missed seeing Marsha Thomason aka Dianna on the next episodes.  What happened to her?  Was she fired?

I’m really excited about this show, I can’t explain why I am so giddy with delight! 

Maybe its because Neal Caffrey is so darn cute!!


  1. Cheri

    You've got good taste! I've been watching White Collar since it debuted, and I've been hooked from the beginning. I will assure you that it really picks up steam as it moves into the second half of the season, and the season one finale is amazing!

    Here in the States they're only a couple of episodes from wrapping up the first half of season two, and then we'll have to wait until January for more new episodes. I've been trying to blog about it myself, but RL keeps getting in the way, and I'm weeks behind on episode recaps.

    So, anyway, keep watching; I'm sure you'll keep enjoying it. I know I do!

  2. Didi

    I am enjoying it so much that I watch the epis over and over again..

    I am sooooo loving watching White Collar!!

  3. dyosa

    Good job in finding White Collar! Been watching this since it piloted. And whenever I see his BFF, Mozzie, I'd often get myself confused if I was watching White Collar or Sex & The City. LOL

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