Smart’s 1time goodwill appeasement..

Last weekend, I got a direct message from SmartCares:
(Read from the bottom post up as the first message is at the bottom)

Okay – to be honest, I was insulted.  Why?  Because to appease me, they’re just throwing in 500 free global texts!  I mean, the reason why I’m complaining is not about getting a ‘freebie’ out of them, but to get to the truth of where my missing 570+ free text messages were!

At first, I thought of accepting it and forgetting the whole thing, but then I realized – when I accept this, it will mean that all my complaining will be for nothing!  I mean, for sure they will just stop and deem the complaint as ‘closed’ and ‘resolved’ because I accepted their offer, right?  And I do not want that!  I want justice!  I want them to investigate where in hell are my missing 570+ free text messages!

I’ve asked a lot of people on their opinion on this and they told me just to accept it, because – I got what I wanted.  But you see, this is NOT what I wanted.  What I wanted was a PROPER investigation on where my 570+ missing FREE text messages were!  You can read in one of their messages that indeed, I was right – FREE TEXT TO ALL NETWORKS HAS NO EXPIRY!  So where did my 570+ free texts go?  Why did it just disappear??

I wrote them another letter relaying my reluctance to accept.  I mean, I do value good customer service – but not this way.  No shortcuts just to appease me.

Some may say that I’m making a big deal out of this but – yes, I truly am – because 570+ free text messages is not something you can just throw away – in reality, it’s almost as if  570+ pesos was suddenly missing from your wallet?  Say on June 20 you had about 913pesos, then on June 30 – you checked and saw that you only had 316pesos left!  Won’t you wonder what happened?  Won’t you trace back to June 20 and check out your expenses one by one just to make sure that every peso was accounted for?  You will right?  And that is exactly what I am doing now.

I just hope that Smart can investigate on this, I hope this can be resolved in the correct way – no shortcuts.

Me thinks – if I was given this one time goodwill appeasement, should ALL those who have complained (previously and currently) be given the same kind treatment?

Esep… Esep!


  1. Mickey!!!

    What if they tell you that it is a system problem and currently being investigated so it can be resolved so it will not happen to other people.

    Will this be acceptable to you and deem the case closed?

  2. Michelle

    i know how you feel. it's like giving a crying baby a pacifier but not addressing the reason why she's actually crying.

    but yeah, like mickey, i'd also ask you the same thing. if they said something like that, would that be acceptable?

  3. Didi

    @Rochelle – I agree with the principle thing, but I don't think they understand that.

    @Mickey – Honestly, that would be a better answer compared to just saying nothing and offering freebies. At least I know that they thought of an answer.

    @Michelle – It would be acceptable somehow because they put an effort in saying something more credible. But I just hope its the truth..

  4. Char

    I don't think you're making a big deal out of this! I would've done exactly what you have done. (Consuelo de bobs but at least Smart has better customer service than Sun heheh.). I say demand an explanation and compensation.

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