CALL for Posting! Team Carnival – Your FAVORITE Friends episode!!

On my recent hosting for Team Carnival – a lot, I mean a lot mentioned that Friends is one of their favorite shows.

Here’s a thought!

Of all nine seasons of FRIENDS, which is your FAVORITE episode?

I know its tough – to just mention one episode, so how about making it a Top 5 or a Top 10?

Its up to you – if you have just one, the write about that one, if you have 5 or 10, write about them all! 🙂

As for me, I think I’ll keep it at a minimum Top 5.

Tell us your favorite guys! 🙂

One of my favorites is – Season 4 Episode 12 : The one with the Ebryos

This episode still makes me laugh to this day! 

Can’t wait to read everyone’s post!! 🙂 

Go! Go! Go!


  1. Dea

    This is a very difficult question for a FRIENDS fanatic like me! I can't think of any top moments, I love them all! 😀

  2. Didi

    Hi Anonymous! I haven't heard of that – but I'd sign it!

    Hello Dea! Its quite tough BUT I would love to read on which ones will make your Top 5 or Top 10!

  3. Josephine Bonsol

    My fave is "The one with the Thumb" where Phoebe gets thousands of dollars from a thumb in her soda.Really funny and interesting!This reminds me of silly Pinoy scam on softdrinks..

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