Team Carnival’s My FAVORITE TV Shows..

I thought it was easy to write about this week’s topic.  I mean, I was the one who thought of it right?  Well, it’s kinda tough.  I mean – sigh, when I think about it – I do have a LOT of favorite TV shows..

I am a weirdo when it comes to TV.  I get attached to these show somehow.  Hahahaha!!

 Image borrowed from THIS site

First and foremost – I absolutely LOVE the show FRIENDS. I think I have memorized most of its lines from watching it so many times over! When I am bored – I just pop the dvd into the player and watch the show! But mind, you – I am organized as I watch it season after season without skipping! I must admit that the season that I most neglected was the last season. There was a time that I refused to watch the last few episodes of the of the final season – because I didn’t want to see them go! But then I realized, that I had to watch it. And I did – and I cried buckets.

I never actually liked Jennifer Garner. I thought her face was too square-ish. But when my Panget told me to try watching a couple of episodes, I immediately got hooked! Sydney Bristow kicks a lot of asses! 🙂 The show was so promising – but had to end abruptly because the main character got pregnant! To this day, I still blame Ben Affleck for this. hahaha!! Oh, and I also have to say – that for the LONGEST time, I refused to watch the last season (since I didn’t want to see Sydney for the last time) it was only last year 2009 – that I finally got the courage to watch it. Damn you Ben Affleck! Damn you!! (doesn’t this remind of you Joey putting the books in the freezer? hahahaha!)

I would say that because of Beverly Hills 90210, TV watching for me was never the same! It was the first ever show that I couldn’t wait to see every Friday night. I was one of those who found Luke Perry such a dream bad boy. One of those who hated Andrea Zuckerman because she was geeky and couldn’t admit to the fact that she liked Brandon! I am also one of those who wondered why Tori Spelling was in the cast, and learned that the reason was, because she’s the daughter of the producer! Hahahaha… This is not my favorite show, but nevertheless – I find that this show is iconic to me. This got me hooked on TV shows.

When DVD’s weren’t around yet – I came across a show that I enjoyed watching. I don’t know why – but somehow, John Lithgow made me laugh out loud so many times. 3rd rock from the sun is the funniest show on earth. The cast is an oddity for me, but hey – it worked right? They were aliens who tried to fit in – and in doing so, my gosh – they were the funniest thing ever!!  I would remember watching this over and over on the Star channel and on Channel 9!

I remember the Team One Tree Hill versus the Team The OC. I was once a Tree Hill fan, but when I got to watch The OC – I was obsessed! I think what attracted me was the rich and famous part, one where the characters were on spending sprees. They were all pretty and handsome and with their own issues. I know its kind of odd for a mid 20 year old to like watching The OC, but man – I have to admit, I was a huge fan! I was sad to see it go – and I would again put the blame into one person – Mischa Barton. The show as doing great until she wanted out! Boooo!! To this day, I haven’t seen the season finale. Hahahaha!! Yes, I am weird! Oh! And I have to say – that Seth Cohen character? LOVE LOVE LOVE him to bits!!

Since I loved The OC – I think I became attached to Josh Schwartz’s idea of a good show. And so when I learned of the show Chuck (that was created by JS as well) – I gave it a chance and found it really cute and funny. I love Chuck’s geeky, clumsy-ness! Hahahaha!! 🙂 There’s somehting with geeks… and I don’t know why – maybe because the love of my life is one? Hahahaha!! Calling my Panget!! 🙂

JJ Abrams, the genius in him – God bless him!! I never knew he was the one who created Felicity – the iconic show that started the trend of never having to cut the hair of their leads! Hahaha! LOST was so hyped up – everyone was talking about this show even before it started. I was one of those who kept a close eye on the show. And when it started – I got hooked. Since I love JJ Abrams – I followed the show as it went from season to season. As it got the highest ratings, to the lowest. I was a fan – I never lost my belief. To tell you frankly – my Panget bought the original first season DVD set when it came out years ago. And after watching the interview of JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof – I knew all the fans were going to be entertained. As early as the first season – these two geniuses already said that the show will last for 5 to 6 seasons. And it did. The ending, was beyond brilliant! I think it was the best ending ever! What do you think?

I am a sucker for game shows – and that is why I LOVE Jeopardy. Even if I can’t answer in question form most of the answers, I still love it. I think maybe because I learn something after the show. Hahahaha!! 🙂

As for the local TV show scene – I miss watching Palibhasa Lalake. I know it may sound corney but I looked forward to watching the episode – waiting to see who would be poured water over! hahahahaha… 🙂 I also loved the telenovela of Jericho Rosales and Carmen Soo’s ‘Kahit Isang Saglit’! 🙂 I used to love PBB but got over it. I miss Game KNB! Hahaha…

So, there you have it! 🙂

How about my other sisters over at Team Carnival, this is what they had to say.
Check out their favorite TV shows!! 🙂

Yen who loves the Ghost Whiperer and can’t get enough of just watching one episode.

Cha is a reality show addict! 🙂

Michelle is a huge fan of Macgyver (her #1 TV show), I almost forgot about the swiss army knife fascination!  I think it was macgyver which put the swiss army knife in the minds of most everyone – even kids!

Rose has Dawson’s Creek on her list, I used to watch this and read transcripts of this show!  Ahh… memories!!

Laarni loves Ally Macbeal that she has a favorite scene and a favorite line!  I never got into watching this show, but I sure heard a love of raves during its high-time!

Anne appreciates shows that lean towards Kings and Queens and nobility!  She likes The Tudors and Encantadia!

Mindy loves FRIENDS.  And that is one of the reasons why I LOVE Mindy! 🙂  Hahaha…

Lornadahl loves Weeds, Nip Tuck, Prison Break, Tattoo Hunter & Chuck!  Hmm..  seems men leading the show is quite attractive! 🙂

McLaren  likes The X-Files, The adventures of Young Indiana Jones (the actor is a cutie by the way!), ER (the longest running show, I think!), and CSI – Vegas & New York!

Em – loves so many shows foreign and local!  Loved reading this post because she wrote it so organized! 🙂 

Shoutingwind is also a huge huge huge fan of FRIENDS!  I am inggit because she has the box-set, my boxset is just – the typical set that you get to buy in your trusty Mamang DVD’s stall – snowy!  hahaha..

Lelila also loves FRIENDS but has some new shows like Drop Dead Diva, White Collar and Pretty Little Liars


  1. lelila

    OMG! how could I forget writing about prison break!!! waaah.

    anyway, try this link =)

  2. lornadahl

    Oh, yeah! Beverly Hills 90210. Tapos may Melrose Place pa noon! My mum was shocked that I used to watch those when I was 10 or 11. Hahaha!

    I've heard of raves for 3rd Rock from the Sun and OC. Gosh, so many good series, so little time!

    Hey, there's nothing corny about Palibhasa Lalaki. Super asteeg kaya non. Laugh trip yun eh. Miss that show, too! 😀

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