Samantha Thavasa

I’ll be honest – when I first heard this name, it made me wonder – is it a legit brand? So I googled the name and voila – indeed, it’s a legit brand, and its from Japan!

Its quite popular – and I thought it wasn’t!

A lot of celebrities are seen lugging it around!!

Welcome to the world of Samantha Thavasa Japan and Samantha Thavasa USA!!
I can’t believe that they even have a Samantha Thavasa Facebook page!!

Image borrowed from THIS site

So – have you heard of this brand? Is it any good? 🙂 Like its designs?


  1. Jean and Rosz

    Check out Nicky Hilton's collection for samatha thavasa 🙂

  2. Didi

    @Jean&Rosz – wow! thanks for the heads up! Will check it out!

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