Win a Sassa Bikini CONTEST!!

Photo grabbed from

I know the timing is odd – since its not yet summer..

But what the heck!! Hahaha..

I won on Jayvee’s Sassa Bikini contest on his blog. Since I’ve been winning contests – I want to pay it forward.

So – I’m running this Sassa Bikini Contest!! 🙂

What are the mechanics?
1. Simply leave a message on my comment section and
2. Send me an email ( with your complete name (and nick/handle) and subject WIN A SASSA BIKINI CONTEST!

You can post as many comments as you want – as I will be using Random.Org to pick the winner!!

Incomplete entries will be invalid!! Please don’t forget to read the mechanics carefully!!

Contest will run from today 10/19 till October 22, 2009 11:59PM – I will be announcing the winner on October 23, 2009

Good luck peeps!! 🙂


  1. peddler of dreams

    YAY! I never joined Jayvee's contest. I missed it.

  2. leily

    let me win! i need a bikini. hehe

  3. Lalimarie

    i also want to win. i need a new bikini.

  4. january

    would definitely love to win, who doesn't anyway?

  5. january

    this is an awesome promo, i salute your generosity 🙂

  6. january

    i hope to win and get an early christmas gift online…yey!

  7. january

    the odd thing is i miss the deadline of this promo 🙁

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