Winners! Singaopre Lah! Contest: Winners!

I’m back!! 🙂

I had a wonderful time in Singapore.

Note: I don’t hate it anymore – I’m actually liking it! 🙂 I hate to admit it BUT I’m kinda warming up to Little India.. Can you believe it?!

As for the winners, please send me an email at candishhh at yahoo dot com so I’ll know where to send your prize!!

IKEA Food Court – Cherubyn
Jumbo Seafood Restaurant – Rose Tiu
Dempsey Hill – Shoty
Lau Pa Sat – Cassandra
Boon Tong Kee – Peddler of Dreams

Publish Post

Will try to post my Singapore trip ASAP.

P.S. I was dishearted with what happend to our country. I felt really guilty – I mean I was enjoying my trip, but back home – my family and friends were feeling the wrath of the typhoon.


  1. peddler of dreams

    Yay I won!!! 🙂 hahaha 😀

  2. Sheyz

    I know right.. 🙁

    Let's help in any way we can..

  3. shella

    i know what you exactly feel. i was in sg too when this happened..i actually saw you =).

  4. Rose

    yehey i won! i won! hahahaha it's my first time to join online contest! sooo excited!

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