Wizard Magazine

My twin brother used to be a fan of comics, my cousin too! But my Panget – well, he still buys them to date. He’s such a big fan of the comic, graphic novel genre that we go to the Philippine Toy Convention – every single year!

Since we’ve been together for quite a while now, I’ve come to tolerate appreciate his comic book slash toy collecting vice. I’ve become sort of excited to see a new toy or a new Wizard magazine!

For every issue that he has – I’ve read it from cover to cover. Sometimes asking him questions on certain character I’m unfamiliar with.

Yesterday – while he was getting a haircut – he gave me his newest copy – it’s still sealed in a plastic, for me to read. I was so excited to open it. It’s funny – because I opted to read this magazine over a Cosmo and Marie Claire Philippines!! It’s geeky, I know – but I loved reading through it! I can’t explain why I like reading through it, as I am not a comic book enthusiast, but I like reading through the articles and looking at the drawings!

Photo grabbed from Wizard Universe

It’s so out of my character – seriously, but hell – I liked it! I even laughed at the articles and interviews printed!!

Tsk.. Tsk..

I guess for the time we’ve been together – what he likes, I already like.

I hate to admit it but – I’m a closet Wizard fan.


  1. Kiko

    Your Panget sure is one lucky guy! i have been trying to get my gf interested in comics and toys for years but to no avail. 🙁

  2. Didi

    Hello Kiko! 🙂 Don’t lose hope! Panget and I have been together for quite a while and it was 2-3 years ago that I started to appreciate the vice! Hehehe.. Have a great weekend!

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