Happy Anniversary PROMOD!!

I can’t believe it, has it been a year already? Coolness!

I have this love affair with Promod! You can ask my Panget, he is witness to my Promod shopping sprees! He even gifted me with a bunch of dresses from Promod! I love love love Promod dresses!!!

The sizes are amazingly perfect on me! I don’t even need to try them on, but I still do, sometimes – especially when there’s a dress that I like that is one size smaller. And so far, so good – because they fit me well! Hahaha.. Stroke of luck? I hope so!

Another thing that I like about Promod? When you look at their website – you’ll see the same dresses being sold here. Isn’t that cool the best? We’re updated with the styles! I’m sooooo happy with Promod here in Manila!!

I have been always a believer of those ‘meant to be’ thingies. This is so true when I go shopping! When before I always buy on impulse, but when I came back from my Beijing stint, well – I became a more disciplined shopper. I think twice, thrice and even sleep on the thought before I go buy the item. I’ve also believed that if the item is for me, I will eventually find it – no need to rush buying it. And today – it has happened, again! There’s this dress that I have been eyeing – and I was hoping they’re put it on sale! And today, when I visited – it was! Although it was one size smaller – my gosh – it still fit! Thanks goodness!! Hahahaha… 🙂

The Natural Source is their sister company – thus, I was given a free make-over! I was happy to learn that they were using (and selling) mineral make-up! To celebrate their first year customers were treated to yummy cocktails by Bizu! We were also given minature cakes!

Too bad I don’t like chocolate..

Don’t you just love Promod? Hahahaha!!

Congratulations Promod!

Happy 1st year!!

Good news to Promod lovers from the South! They’ll be opening a branch in…

Drum roll please…

Greenbelt 5!!

Thanks BFF!! 🙂 I had such a great wonderful time with you!! 🙂


  1. Patty B.

    Ooohhh finally a branch that’s accessible! I don’t go to Trinoma because it’s too far so I haven’t been inside a Promod store ever. Looking forward to the GB5 branch. Thanks for the info, Didi!

  2. Didi

    Hi Patty! Yehey for you!! 🙂 I love love their dresses!

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