Pole Dancing

Nope, this we didn’t get to do!

I have a new found respect for Pole Dancers!

The moves look really simple to do – but I just have to say… NOT EASY!!

Pole dancing requires upper arm strength, flexibility and open-ness 🙂

Lala and Judy of Movement Studio in Greenhills were nice enough to teach us a couple of moves.

Man, they seemed easy at first – but when we tried them ourselves – it was HARD!

It’s a total body work out, I tell you. At the end of two hours – we were all drained! Hahaha..

My arms hurt like hell now. I have bruises on my arms and legs (this was normal according to Judy) I would love to try it again.. Hehehe…


  1. Unknown

    I wanna try! Pero I’m 25 lbs heavier than 10 years ago. What you said about upper arm strength and flexibility — I lost all that with the weight gain! Baka maputol ko yung pole. LOL.

  2. Didi

    Hi Minds! You won’t break the pole! It’s really stable and sturdy!! 🙂 Game! 🙂

  3. Frances Ang

    ach member ka na n movement? 🙂 mag belly dancing tayo ehhehehe

  4. Didi

    Hi Fran! I’m not a member, hehehe! Just tried it out last night for a shower 🙂

  5. Patty B.

    I’ve always wanted to watch but I’d rather do Street Dance/Hip Hop/Modern Jazz. Parang I’m too old for this hahaha!

  6. Didi

    You’re never too old for Pole Dancing!! 🙂 It’s fun – just be prepared for the the bruises! Hahaha..

  7. Phoebe

    I heart pole dancing! It took me a while to do that move you posted but I still cant flip myself upside down in 2 seconds! 🙁

    ps. you’re in good hands wiv movement! 😉

  8. Denz

    Wow Di! Go for it! That would be awesome!

  9. Didi

    Hi Phoebes! Wow! You can? That’s amazing! Well, till now – my arms hurt ah! I have mga pasa on my legs! 🙂 But it’s really fun! I bet someone’s happy you can do ‘the’ moves! Hahaha.. See you soon!!

    Hey Denz! Hahaha.. Awesome? Really?

  10. Didi

    Hi Char! They have a branch is Paranaque!! 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by my site!

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