Ms. Vance Collona

One of the if not the BEST customer service representative I’ve spoken to in years!

and she’s from the Cebu Pacific hotline! 70-20-888

The person I spoke before her dropped my call when I asked for her name. Bad move! And so when I called back – it was Ms. Vance Collona who took my call and assisted me. She told me firs and foremost that they’re NOT allowed to drop their calls! She was very patient, very helpful and very eager to finish the transaction! She’s good at what she does! She even helped me track down the CSR I spoke to who dropped the call! Now, that’s great customer service!

I couldn’t believe that she was so willing to help me! Most of the CSR I spoke to help only to a certain extent! But Ms. Vance Collona – she exceeded my expectations!

Mabuhay ka Vance!!

I just hope I got your name right!

And because of the superb customer service given me – you deserve a SPOT here in my blog! Good work girl! It’s people like you that make me believe that there are still good and helpful people out there!

For anyone who knows who she is, please tell her that I’d love to post her pic here!!


  1. Dr.Peppermint

    now that’s a first. it’s difficult to find great CSRs who go the extra mile. now that’s an exception to the rule. and she deserves to be praised. 🙂 write cebupacific about it. 🙂

  2. Didi

    I already did! I just hope it gets through!!

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