Not LOST anymore..

I’ve never doubted the talent of JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof. That’s why when last season – the show had it’s very confusing moments – I knew that they were just that for something. I knew something great was going to happen.

A lot of friends have told me that they’ve lost interest in Lost. Well, I am not one of them. I knew that there was something – and that something was going to happen sooner or later. I’d rather be patient and wait. Good thing, I did, because this has GOT to be the BEST show I’ve seen so far!

Even if I’m sometimes left with questions, I know it’ll be answered in time. And I am willing to wait.

Spanx and Mindy – the 5th episode – made me cry! And it renewed my hope!! I loved it!!

I just have to say it again… (and again, and again) JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof are effing GENIUSES!!!!

1 Comment

  1. spanx


    you’re already in my blog roll…

    next, i’ll add DJ. hahahaha

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