My #1 Luho

What is my number 1 luho?

Clothes? – nope! I get lazy to shop at times!
Shoes? – not quite but almost there..
Bags? – I think this takes up the #4 spot
Food? – comes only second!
Jewelries? – not even on the list!
Magazines? – does buying OK! Philippines EVERY single month constitute as luho?!

So, what is my #1 luho?

I don’t think you’ll ever guess….


Who would have thought that I’d be interested in ballpens? Well, my love affair with ballpens I think started when I was still in grade school. It was a trip to Hong Kong that started it all! And since then, I was hooked! I hate to admit it, but up until now – this still has to be my #1 luho ever! Think about it, are you willing to spend for at least Php500.00 for a ballpen? Well, I am! Hahaha! It does sound weird but I tell you if there are people who spend thousands for comics, toys, memorabilia and the likes – I am willing to spend on my ballpens.

One may think why ballpens? Well, I guess when I wag younger, there was lack of good pens – or maybe I was competing with my classmates on who has the pen that writes the smoothest! I don’t know, but as long as I remember, I’ve been loving pens!

So far, I have been loving the foreign brands Pilot, Pentel and Uniball.

These are my weird pen trivias:

– Whenever I go to National Bookstore – I will almost always visit the ballpen section first. I will never leave the bookstore without a pen in tow, never.

– I always ask for at least 6 pieces of pens to sample. I grade them first by trying them on paper, and the smoothest, most resistant free pen will be bought. (Yes, I hoard the papers on the counters!)

– When I find a pen that I like – I buy them by the box.

– Whenever I sign for my credit card bill (or have anything to sign for that matter) I look at the brand, type of pen, and give it a eye-over. I always look at the pen first before signing. It says a lot about the establishment when they use certain types of pens. And when I’m happy with the result – I’d look at it again, remember and buy it when I pass by a bookstore.

– I brought my own set of pens when I went to Beijing to study! (I was that prepared)

– I have a pencil box in my bag at all times. It contains a red, black and blue pen. A mechanical pencil and a Sharpie pentel pen. (that’s for those ‘you’ll never know when you need them‘ moments)

– When in a foreign country – I love visiting the bookstore’s pen area. I always discover something new and buy them – refills included!!

– I have a deep drawer full of pens – and when I’m sad – I look at them, doodle with them and voila – happy mode again!!

– I have my own sets of pens in the office. For those who claim that I’ve stolen theirs – excuse me but I think my pens are out of their leagues! Seriously! Look at my pens! You won’t find them here!

– When I see a pen I like online – I ask a friend to buy it for me if possible. I’m that desperate!

– My favorite local brands of ballpens are: Faster and Panda scented pens.

– I have a favorite body for my ballpens the Sailor Hi-Grade body – I replace the ink inside with Panda’s scented ballpens. Unfortunately, Sailor Hi-Grade is no longer available in the market – s mine are considered antique! Hehe..

– My mom, brother, fiance and friends are now convinced that I am the ultimate ballpen expert.

My newest baby would be the Jestream 2&1 (that’s the 2nd to the last pen in the picture) It’s a multi-pen – which means it has a black and red ink plus a mechanical pencil! It rights so smoothly and I can’t seem to put it down! I bought my Panget one also (he lost the pen I gave him when he got held up.. 🙁 ) My friend Kym got this for me in Hong Kong, I initially asked for a different pen – but this was much much much better! Thanks Kymie! 🙂 Mwah!!


  1. kath

    oh my god didi! this post is so YOU! you are the ballpen queen! i can attest to that! 20 assorted pens in high school!!!!!!

  2. Didi

    HI Ron! Yup! I love American Idol!

    HI Kath! Hahaha, it’s so ME ba?! I still have that much in the office! Hahaha..

    Hi Joey! Cool! I’ve never met any person (aside from my BFF) who likes pens too!! Yey!

  3. Unknown

    i can relate. my favorite store is national bookstore, and my favorite place in there is the office supplies section. really. i mean stan’s major lucky. it’s not clothes and bags and shoes and jewelry (okay, i love mmu, so there).

  4. ALiNe

    Wow amazing.. I wonder how many pens you have already 🙂

  5. Didi

    Hi Sakai! – I don’t like those types eh! haha.. Mapili ak.. 🙂

    Hi Jen! We’re the same pala! I was telling my fiance the same thing! Hahaha…

    Hi Aline! I have loads!! A deep drawer full! Imagine I’ve been collecting since I was 12! 🙂

  6. Didi

    Sheyz! Lumalabas ang pagka-ICAn natin ah! Am I right JenCC?? Hahaha!!

  7. Unknown

    didi, don’t think it has anything to do with ica! 😉

  8. Didi

    Hi Anonymous! I’m batch 98 🙂 I remember the 2nd year Chinese teacher deliberately FAILED those who used scented pens! Nahihilo daw sha! I miss seeing her little kettle! Hahaha… What batch ka? 🙂

    Hello Anonymous! I have to check out that Timezone pen! Hahaha.. Thanks for dropping by!

  9. Didi

    Hi Debs! IT was A-Kam who had tha little takure! Hahaha.. Small world ah! 🙂 ICAns, unit!! Hihi..

    Hi Ivy! I read nga, hahaha! Na-inspire ka ba? Hihi.. Thanks for dropping by!! 🙂

  10. Meedge

    i never thought i could find anyone who loves pens as much as i do! i remember, way back when i was in high school, i would go to national bookstore every friday after class to buy pens. i had every color available at national bookstore back then!

  11. kaoko

    Your obsession. I approve!

    Incidentally, have you heard of the Sharpie Liquid pencil? Might be nice to have in your collection 😀

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