May May’s Wedding..

Photo borrowed from Flowers of Wood

I met May May for the first time a month before we left for Beijing in 2002. I intially thought she was a tall girl because she sat up really straight. She had a nice posture – even when seated! Come departure day – I was shocked to learn that she was shorter than I expected – I first wondered who the girl that was walking towards us was! It was May May pala..

There were only 3 girls in the group – that was me, Kath and May May. We were sure to be roommates – and when we first saw our apartment – our hearts fell. It was sort of dingy – nothing like the comforts we were atuned with. Disappointed – we sat in our big red couch and became silent – I don’t remember who said this but I remember hearing ‘What are we doing here?!’ Haha.. Those were the first reactions. And the rest was history.

We shared so many memories – 6 months of living together, walking to school, biking to school, traveling, drinking, watching endless reruns of Friends and more. My roomies are like my sisters now, I know I can run to them when I’m troubled – I know they won’t judge me but support me. Come to think of it – being shacked together for 6 month? We never fought! I was expecting that one of us will be fighting or something – but everything sailed smoothly until the end! We became closer – the bond despite the years is still there – strong as ever!!

During May May’s shower – Elaine posted us questions (my gulay, were they tough!! hahaha) and for the record – here are my answers:

What is your most favorite memory of the bride?
I would have to say the Inner Mongolia trip where we both became KJ and refused to join the horseback riding and camel riding activity! During the horseback riding – we chose to stay behind in our yurts to sleep! As for the camel riding incident – well, we were the only 2 people who stayed behind under a tent in the dessert! Can you believe that there was just the 2 of us seated in a make-shift tent for about 2 hours?! Man were we tough – I thank God every single day that May May chose to stay with me – hahaha, if not – that would be a boring 2 hours! Imagine – we were the only 2 people out there in the dessert!

What is your favorite memory of the groom?
Well, you see Brian and I have this history – he fell victim to my ‘spiked’ brownies. It somehow ruined his day. And when we first met in Beijing – he pointed to me and accused me of my ‘crime’ Yes – I was the one who did it! But it was not intended for him! Honest!!

I was shocked to learn that Brian wore daddy PJ’s to bed, and during that time in Beijing – my apartment was the only one which had dial-up internet – he would come by nightly to use it to chat with his friends. I will always always remember welcoming him into our apartment and seeing him in his brown daddy PJs topped with a winter coat and his laptop in his arm.

To May May and Brian – here’s to more Taboo! games in your new abode! I love you both dearly!! Congratulations and Best Wishes!!

See you Sunday!! 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Didi

    Studied at the Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)

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