American Idol 7 – Boy’s Night 2

Picture taken from the American Idol site

Quite honestly – I was really bored. There was no WOW factor!! Argh.. Felt like it was such a waste of time. I won’t bother anymore with an individual critique, but here’s what I think..

David Hernandez – now that’s one of the great performances of the night. I never thought he was that good! I agree with Mindy when she said that David’s voice reminded her or Elliot Yamin! Good call Minds!!

David Archuleta – I am very much biased with his kid. I feel that he’s the best one out there. One thing though, I am so afraid for him – I think he’s peaking too soon. I’m so scared that he’ll crash towards the end of the show. I hope he won’t – but man this kid is really good. I love they shy-ness and innocence!!

The others were quite forgettable – honest!

Why is that I feel like the boys do not know how to take criticisms? You can see it in their faces that they’re very much irritated. Guys – you need to cool down – we all know your good – but please please please – don’t get it into your heads! Humble down..


  1. Unknown

    I agree. There was even one contestant who told Simon that it’s the people’s votes that matter anyway. Another one had all sorts of facial expressions. It’s not cute. It’s a turn off.

  2. Didi

    Hi Em! I feel that some of the contestants got it into their heads that they’re really good. They forgot that the judges know better than them. Oh well…

  3. kegler747

    I hope Ramiele win, but I’m forecasting David Archuleta would be the winner for this season.

  4. Didi

    Hi Kegler747! I hope Ramiele wins too! But like you, my money’s on David Archuleta – that is if he doesn’t choke and still has some more bullets to fire!

  5. Oliboy's Adventures

    randy: archuleta is in it to win it baby! that’s my dawg!

    paula: (repeat randy but in a slurred incoherent manner and add something about the contestant owning it)

    simon: too cabaret…

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