MM’s send off..

(L-R) MM, A, moi!, K
what poses right?!

This is us – the Beijing Chickens.

Our friend MM will be heading to Shang-Hai next week for a 7 week training courtesy of Citibank. Since she’ll be gone for a while – K decided to have a cookfest that originally tagged her and BMM’s fiance (who is now taking cooking classes) to whip up some dishes for us!

But as it turns out – K was the only one who did everything! We had this super delish garlic dip and a very yummy Cheesy Chicken Casserole!! (I even took home the left over sauce!! Haha..)

After dinner – us girls went to the den to watch a little TV and did some catching up (even if we saw one another at Vic’s wedding – the funniest wedding ever!!) When our respective boys arrived – we then proceeded to play Taboo.

I learned Taboo from KY – she brought this game along when we went to Bagiuo some 9 years ago (has it been that long?!?!?!) And ever since – I’ve been loving this game and also kicking some good ass winning too!! It was the boys versus the girls – can you guess which team won??

The consequence was that for every round lost – there should be a representative from the losing team to drink 1 shot of Tequila. Great idea right? Well, I was forced to take one for the team! My first ever ‘real’ tequila shot! Hahaha..

In the end – the girls won 5 – 2. Hahaha!! 🙂

We will miss you MM!! 🙂 See you when you get baaaaaaaaaaack!!!

1 Comment

  1. Didi

    Hi Jen!!!!!!!!!!
    MM was my roomie when I studied in Beijing! B was also there with us!! 🙂 So, we’ll be seeing one another next year on their wedding!! 🙂

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