The funniest wedding ever!!

Yesterday – I attended my friend Vic’s wedding. It was raining so hard – if you’re Chinese it means one thing – It’s a LUCKY day. And I think it was – because during the ceremony – people were laughing out loud! And it was echoing all through-out the church! Even if it was supposed to be a serious ceremony – the groom has somehow managed to make everyone laugh – not once, not twice, but many times over!! You see – this friend of mine is really really funny. He has this sense of humor that can make anyone laugh – no joke! He’s infectious!

Of all the weddings I’ve attended in my whole life – I think that this is the only wedding that made me laugh the most! The priest who presided – Fr. Johnny Go, SJ – also made sure that there was a little humor in his homily. I actually listened as he told everyone how the bride and groom met. What was odd (and nice) was that he made the bride and groom face the attendees while they were saying their vows. It think that this is such a great idea – something new and different (maybe – this is the first time I saw it happen)

Anyways – the wedding ceremony was already funny. The reception – was even more funny! Vic indeed chose the right host – he got his friend of 20 years to do it! He gave out the perfect punchline to make the guests laugh. He was really good – actually, I think he’s the best one I’ve seen yet. He was witty and funny. What I especially loved was his speech – and how he thanked himself for a job well done. It made everyone in the ballroom laugh out loud!

I also think that the company I was with was also great, thus the reception was even more fun! My Panget and I were seated amongst friends, my Beijing friends actually – and they all were funny in their own ways.



  1. Nicely

    you pictured the said wedding perfectly that it brought me to the actual scene… nice one!

    i also attended the coolest wedding reception ever when I attended my officemate’s in Baguio. That was only last September. The bride danced her coolest groove while the groom removes the garter from her leg.

  2. Didi

    Hi nice! Thanks for dropping by! The bride dancing? That’s nice… 🙂 hehehe.. 🙂

  3. Unknown

    Sounds like a fun wedding! 🙂

  4. Didi

    Minds – it really was!! It was such a happy celebration! 🙂

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