It’s actually a miracle – when I hear Mass last Sunday at Sanctuario de San Jose – there was a prayer that was said towards the end of the Mass. The prayer was asking for rain. After a few hours – it did rain. Cats and dogs actually! 🙂
I could just imagine the number of people who prayed together for the rains to come!! Wow!
Anyhoooo.. My Wednesday was greeted with the sound of strong rains, I looked outside the window to check if it was just my imagination or if it was the real thing! It was the real thing – when I went down to the office – my mom told me ‘Di, all our PLDT phones are dead!’ My goodness! We rely on the telephone for business! Yikes!
You see – we have a total of 4 lines – 3 of which are PLDT Lines. Okay – so what now? I knew that I should call PLDT’s hotline – but what phone will I use? The Bayantel won’t recognize the number – it will just lead me to Bayantel’s repair service! So what do I do now? Such a HUGE dilema! First, to make sure that it was just not our phones that are dead – I tried calling our neighbors – and it seems that all their lines are dead too! Yikes! What to do right? Good thing, a friend of my mom was willing to call PLDT to ask for assistance and repair for us! But you see – it’s been hours already – and yet – NO ONE has come to repair. I know it’s asking too much for them to personally call us – but, still I was sort of optimistic they’d fix the lines within the day.
I remember having to write someone at PLDT – her name’s Cristita – I don’t know how I got her email address but I swear – she’s THE person to contact whenever there’s a PLDT problem. She acts fast and replies fast! And so I emailed her, MVP – the email that I have, their Customer Service email, Ms. Bolido (of PDI) and two other PLDT people to tell them that we need our phones repaired. It just dawned to me that if you’re a Bayantel subscriber – there is NO WAY FOR YOU TO CONTACT ANY PLDT SERVICE HOTLINE! Anyways, I emailed them this morning – and till now – I still have not received ANY reply from them! What happened to the swift and reliable reply from Cris??
Think about it – if you had ONLY PLDT lines – and all of them are dead – and so are your neighbors phones – how the hell do you ask for repair and assistance? Diba?! There is really NO 7-DIGIT Number of PLDT for you to call when you have a problem with their service! You’ll need to rely on your friends and relatives to help you report a repair or make a complaint! Isn’t that a hassle for all PLDT subscriber? Dang it!!
It’s already 5pm – the rains have not stopped, it’s flooding – and still – NO sign of PLDT people. Not even a reply email!
Hi Minds! Yup! I already called to ask in favorS!! 🙂
I know about the rebate! You have to constantly call them to make kulit! about the rebate – You need to ask for it nga, they won’t just give it out..
HAHAHAH! We currently both hate PLDT in our blogs! You know, 171 when dialled on Globelines… lead to Globelines customer service!!! Hahahah! How annoying is that? You can’t complain to PLDT using other providers’ lines!
I really hate them talaga!!