Beijing Travel Bug

I was browsing through shobe Sophie’s blog and a title caught my eye – Beijing Travel Bug. You see, I spent half a year in Beijing last 2002 – and with that, I fell in love with the city. Dirty, Filthy, Impolite, ruthless and backward – say whatever negative thing you can think of – I fell in love with the city. Since I spent half a year there – you can say that it somehow became part of me. I grew up there, I literally did. And I will forever be indebted to Beijing for whatever transformation it brought about in me. Memories shared will forever be treasured.

Since I love Beijng – and I’m super curious about China’s history (ask my Panget how many Mao books I’ve bought and how fascinated I am with China) I clicked the link, and it literally brought me back to the place I sort of call home (I know! Icky, but true!)

For those of us who miss our Beijing life…. Here’s a blog to take us back in time. Although I’m thinking that the place has changed dramatically over the years, it’s still the same Beijing we know and love…

I will for sure be a lurker of this blog – I will also leave comments every now and then, feeling close! Hahaha

I actually have a theory. Those who have gone to Beijing to study, they have this bond with others who have also been there, despite the time and batch differences (in which they went) – Call me crazy but for sure – all of us who went to Beijing had experienced something in common – and that is what will start the bond in all of us. Beijing is just one of the common denominators – the experiences will be somehow the same, different in certain degrees but still the same.

I wish I can go back…. But for now – this blog will do…. 🙂

To the person who mans the blog… Thank you for sharing, you just don’t know how much I miss the place…. Imagine – 5 years…… 5 long years…


  1. christine

    How you feel about Beijing is how I feel about London. I miss it big time, and I feel I found myself there. I went through a transformation that I think would have taken a whole lot longer (like maybe 10 yrs longer or more) if I had never left Manila to live there for a while. 🙂

    BTW, your post couldn’t have come at a better time. I am currently planning my trip to Beijing in November with some girl friends. We’re booked for Nov 1 – 5. I would super appreciate any tips or advice you’d like to give me. 🙂 I’ll show you a copy of my itinerary too so you can comment if you like? Thanks for the link to that site!

  2. Didi

    Hello dee and Anonymous! I miss Beijing talaga, super! I miss eating Re Ben Tou Fu! And having buffet sa Golden Elephant! I miss the ‘er’ accents! And the arguments with the locals! Hahaha.. Napapractice yung Mandarin ko di oras!

    Hi Christine! I feel the exact same way! If I had never left – I would not have grown at all! I would love to help you out! Please do send me your itenarary at candishhh[at] – I’ll try my best! 🙂

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