My Havaianas Broke!! Again..

Again, my havaianas broke! The strap broke off again! My first ever Havaianas’ strap broke just last year (May 2005 to be exact). So this is the second time it happend to me. I’m beginning to think that these flip flops don’t last long. I bought this paticular pair July of this year. And it’s not as if I always use it – I alternate it with my other pairs. So why did it break off? I have no freaking idea! I wish I harrased it and used it every single day – just to justify the strap breaking off.

After this entry, I will again, write to Havaianas Philippines to complain.

Damn Havaianas!


  1. pinaygourmand

    aww, that’s too bad! I have few pairs of havaianas but they are all doing good. the oldest pair I got is more than a year old… I hope they give you a replacement.

  2. Didi

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I really doubt they’ll give me a replacement pair. I broke the strap of my first ever Havaianas last year and they were nice enough to give me a 20% discount, I am hoping that they extend me the same generous offer again. I feel so bad because this is my first ever Havaianas with design! Argh…

  3. Jesse

    what?! that’s really shocking!!!

    i’ve heard of some people(konti lang) that broke their havaianas…i never knew i’d really see one!!!


    they will replace that if it’s less than a month old.

    demand if you wish. express yourself!!!

  4. JCT

    I own several pairs and I've been a fanatic since 2004. I broke 2 pairs already (strap only).

    So do they really give a discount?

  5. Didi

    @Jel – yes, they gave me a discount.

  6. Unknown

    Hi, mine just broke yesterday the same spot too!!! I was so upset cuz I looooved mine and wore them all the time at my yoga studio. Since i'm there a lot, they get a lot of use everyday. Weird after reading that last comment. Anyways, did you just go to the main site and write them? Just enquiring. thx

  7. Haviana ghost

    Five months is a pitiful life for a flip-flop.

    I'm the ghost of a sandal that died young. We haunt the streets looking to be loved by our former owners. But alas! Each generation of sandals wears out and the owner moves on.

    May your flip-flops live for a few centuries! That's about two or three years in human years for you!

  8. Mae_Lee

    i also did experienced the same thing. But mine break off after 4 months. It was a birthday gift from a special person, so i don't wanna discard it. i let a shoe repairman do a remedy for me to be able to use it still. Have it fixed about three times already. hope it won't break off again.

  9. mars

    could it be easily repaired? mine was broken too, it is a slim one. hope it can be fixed, ugh. though it was given as a gift more than a year ago,it is still that special 🙁

  10. joyna

    me either… i have 6 pairs of havaianas, then i alternate wearing them every now and then.. but it still broke within less than a year and im so disappointed… sad

  11. Unknown

    please go to see my youtube channel, i had teach how to fix the broken flip flop.

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