30-Day Challenge: Completed!

Last Saturday afternoon, I complete the 30-Day Challenge of Bikram Yoga Manila. FINALLY!! I’ve done it! Yehaaa!!! 🙂 To celebrate my feat, I decided to take the Sunday off yoga, the bad thing was – my body was looking for it! I woke up in time for the 9:30am class but I told myself to go back to sleep, I tried but failed.

So, what did the 30-Day Challenge do to me:
1) I get better sleep! Even if it’s less that 8 hours, I still wake up each day with a smile! Every morning, it seems like I find myself more cheerful and each day seems so sun shiney to me!

2) I can eat more and not gain weight! Although I have not lost any weight – it’s the inches I think, because my clothes definitely fit better. My Yoga buddies tell me that my body is more toned. Maybe if I give it more time – I just might lose the unwanted pounds, but what the heck, it’s the inches that more important! 🙂

3) I have no lower back pain at all! Bikram Yoga worked magic to my lowerback pain. I’ve had it since I forgot when and it’s more painful when I have my period – and now – bye bye pain!

4) I’ve become more flexible – yes, this has been proven because from Day1 – I couldn’t get my forehead to the floor – and now I can!

5) I’m more at peace (I think..) and a little more patient with everything else. The breathing really really helps..

6) So many new friends! Cristina, Jeanne and her mom Auntie Margie, Lorrie, Maan, Jenny, Tita Joy and Tita Anne, Auntie Cynthia and Auntie Annie, Anna, Bernie, Cris, Miguel, Auntie Rose and her daughter Candice, Stephanie and a whole lot more!! I just have to mention the wonderful staff of the QC studio – Tristan, Al, Alex and Gemel (did I get the spelling right?).

So, do I take another 30-Day Challenge? Maybe next year, now I will just continue my practice and take it one day at a time. But to be honest, my body looks for Yoga. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Bikram Yoga is definitely THE best exercise for me. I don’t get bored doing the 26 postures because everyday is a different day, it will never be the same. You get to work out all your body parts and sweat like crazy in just 90 minutes. Amazing huh?!


  1. christine

    WOW! That is truly inspiring! Especially after yesterday when my yoga intructor who I haven’t seen in like 2 months saw me in a bazaar buying lots of food hehe. You’ve done an amazing job and are reaping the benefits, that’s wonderful! Congratulations! 🙂

  2. oh captain my captain

    congrats di! you did it! ;0)

  3. Didi

    Thanks so much Christine!! Thank you!! 🙂

    Hi Jake! Thanks ah, finally noh?! Yey!

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