My first BIKRAM YOGA session

I officially tried YOGA this morning – and the verdict? I LIKED IT!! My gosh, I was sweating like crazy – and I feel like I’ve worked out my whole body! That’s just in a 90 minutes sesson. I honesly did not expect to sweat that much! To think that the room was not heated (it is supposed to be heated, unfortuantely – BYM still had to wait for Meralco to give them sufficient power) Compared to running on the treadmill for 30 minutes and just sweating – with YOGA, I was working out various body parts at the same time! I couldn’t stop raving about yoga to my mom – thus she might give it a try too! (Excuse the exclamation points..)

My arms are so sore, it was like I excersized with dumbells for a long time. But nevertheless, it feels great! (Can you beleive I’m saying this?) I still could not believe I was able to do some poses! Sure, I got off balanced a couple of time – but still! I was able to do most of the poses. I had a hard time ‘holding’ the poses but still, I was able to do it! Concentration is key. One should not be conscious of the people around the studio, but instead – FOCUS on doing the poses correctly.

I’m looking forward to another session, but this time – in a heated room. I can just imagine how many calories I’ll be burning in a heated room. Yey!!

Congrats to me! Congrats to my friend Annie! Congrats to Bikram Yoga Manila – today is their opening day in Quezon City!! 🙂


  1. oh captain my captain

    Congrats candice! glad your enjoying yoga! here’s to more poses and more calories burned. ;0)

  2. Didi

    Hiya Jake! 🙂 I loved it! Kaso my whole body is aching now! I kept telling my self to ‘suck-it-in’ while doing the poses – talagan exert all effort!!

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