Whatta weekend!

This is the first weekend ever – that I was not able to wake-up late! It was such a hectic weekend for me, but nevertheless – I enjoyed every minute of it!!:)

Saturday – Well, I got up at 9:30am because of a text message I received from Shirley and Carol – asking me to contact them (somehow) we had a problem of who was going to check-in at Astoria. Well, it’s along story – and to cut it short – we had ‘the’ best discount ever and I was able to check-in. Don’t ask me how I did it, bottom line was – I did it! (again..) my Panget told me the night before that he was going to pick me up at 11:00am sharp. Knowing that I take my time in bathing and fixing up – he demanded that I should be ready by 11:00am. And I was – I was telling myself to hasten whatever it was I was doing – and by 10:45am I was done. I’d already brought my overnight and gym bag down, the gift was already wrapped – everything was already done. And I waited. Waited until about 11:30am – my Panget was late. Hay naku! He just said that he fell asleep. Whatever!!!!! hahaha.. We then proceeded to the GHW Clubhouse for the first birthday (party) of Julie and Paul’s daughter Katie (full name Jessica Katrine) When we got there, the place was already packed! They clubhouse was really full!! my Panget and I proceeded to say hello to some of our friends and of course, the celebrant and her parents! The party ended at about 3:00pm, the kids had fun – well because of the superb magician and bubble show courtesy of our very own friend Imma of Kidstar Kastles!

After the party, my Panget, Shirley and I went to pick up the naughty cake for that night’s bridal shower for Mira at the Kink Cakes Wilson store. The cake looked okay – but it smelled great!! We then went to Astoria Plaza to check-in into the suite that was reserved for us. The place was big – but it was kind of old – not old old but not too modern as well, we were quite shocked to find that there was a mircrowave and a stove, plus cooking utensils which we were free to use! Nice noh?! We then watched Kung Fu Hustle to kill time. After the movie – Shirley and I got to talk about her plans for her big day next year, the next thing we know – it was already time to go to Shangri-La mall to meet Carissa and the future Mrs. Ramirez – Mira. There was one hitch though – the place was still not decorated yet. We were all waiting for Gue to arrive since she had all the naughty balloons in tow. We had dinner in Cyma – the food was okay, it was something different and it was Greek!! 🙂 The Bridal shower went well, and we had a lot of fun.. 🙂 You know what I mean! 🙂 Gue slept early, Cherry too! I slept at about 3:30am while Shirley, Carol, and Mira – they slept I think at about 4:00am+!!

Sunday – we had to wake-up early because we had an appointment with The Picture Company in Podium. We were having our pictorials (the first ever!) Our photographer was Chelle – she was really nice – one of the nicest people I’ve ever met! It seemed that she does’nt have any ‘irritating’ bone – if you know what I mean – she was just all smiles helping us out and all. Nice diba? 🙂 Good thing – everyone was game during the shoot!! 🙂 I’m really excited to see the hard copies!!

As for the pics during the shower party – I’ll wait for Shirley to burn them and I’ll post them here as soon as I get hold of them.


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