Not your TYPICAL Sunday..

It’s a MIRACLE!! My Panget accompanied me to mass today! AMAZING huh?!
Well, for that simple gesture, he earns 100 Brownie Points (even if I don’t eat brownies)

Another was that we had dinner at the newly opened ARYA Restaurant in Promenade. The service was kinda off – I guess because the sign said they’re on DRY RUN (I really don’t know why they call it dry run.. hehe) But the food was DELISH!! My favorite part was that it somehow equalled to the Iranian restaurant experience that I was searching for since eating at Hatam Restaurant in Anaheim! My grand uncle and aunt specifically told us that Hatam Restaurant is an Iranian restaurant and NOT just a middle eastern restaurant. And true to his word, I NEVER founf a restaurant that served similar food and taste like in Hatam’s. That wa snot until dinner time though!! Hehehe… I swear.. I’LL BE COMING BACK FOR MORE!!

Do try out their KOOBIDEH KEBAB – it’s the ground beef kebab served with basmati rice and tomatoes.. I’m craving again!! Hahahahaha..

Hope you guys had a great Sunday!!


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