Sandra Toh & Jon Tan’s Wedding

It’s been YEARS since I last saw and heard from Sandra Toh. If I remember correctly the last time I saw her was during High School graduation! Then recently maybe a month or two ago, I saw her at Chili’s! I’ve heard that she was getting married late this year, and common friends have been telling me that she looks ‘blooming’ and at the same time she’s so in love. I doubted it at first but when 3 more of my friends told me the same thing, I said to myself, maybe she’s changed. Lo and behold upon entering Chili’s Greenhills, someone called my name, a cute ang girly voice said ‘Candice!?’ As I turned around, I saw Sandra. True to what our friends have been telling me.. SHE INDEED LOOKS MORE BEAUTIFUL! It’s as if she became more beautiful! (Did I mention that she was already pretty all through out High School?) She looked VERY happy and IN love!! I never thought I’d see/meet a person who was giddy and truly is IN LOVE.

For the 4 years that we’ve been seatmates, Sandra struck me as a SHY, QUIET, CUTESY but BEAUTIFUL, and INTENSE person. She was somewhat irritated by noice or whenever Cubie and I make her kulit to copy notes. She was this HIGHLY organized person that draws very well and is artistic. During our senior year, I was surprised to learn that she didn’t want to go to Ateneo, even if she passed the entrance exam – her reason – ‘Kasi buong angkan ko sa Ateneo nag-aral, ayoko doon!’ this was what she told me point blank. Instead she went with me to take the CSB entrance test – her reason – she wanted to go to school that dealt with the arts! She also went to UST, I think to take the entrance exam. And as I expected, SHE ACED each and every entrance exam. And still she chose to go to CSB.

So from 1998 -2005 we had no contact. There was an occassional text here and there but nothing more. We agreed to meet up one time, but it didn’t push through. TODAY is the first time after the Chili’s meeting that I will see her again.

I was late at the Church because I had to attend to some office stuffs, but when I got to the lunch reception (thank gawd I was on time! -thanks to KYM DE GUZMAN for my make-up!!) After chatting with Tin Sy, Sharon, and Lydia (all of which were my seatmates during high school) The emcee announced that Mr and Mrs Jon Tan was entering the ballroom. Lo and Behold, a beautiful and blooming Sandy came in arm in arm with his husband Jon. It took me a while to absorb all of what I saw. Then when the emcee said that the newlyweds will be having their first dance as husband and wife – to everyone’s shock – THE COUPLE DANCED!! They literally danced!! With matching choreography and dance (as in sayaw na walang hiya-hiya ah!!) I was not believing what I was seeing!! Sandra?? dancing?? I remember her as being a super shy girl!!

Things really DO change when you’re in love.. Love as they say, is what makes the world go round..

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Sandy and Jon Tan!!


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