what is HAPPINESS to you??

'So, what is happiness to you?'This question has been asked to me a dozen times by friends after watching Cameron Crowe's flick 'Vanilla Sky'. So, (short pause) what is happiness…


BOYCOTT MANGO!!I've heard of so many horror stories from dissatisfied MANGO clients, I've read a certain email on the bad treatment or should I say 'unfair' treatments of MANGO'S management.…


*Please note that THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION..Just now, my mom is in the middle of a conversation on the interpretation of the bible. She's with her kumare and I…

recalling MEMORIES

Had dinner last night with Kym, Selene and C at PEOPLE'S PALACE in Greenbelt 3. When I got there I was impressed because the interior was so simple yet very…